The life and times of an English Airedale Terrier puppy

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

For Simba & T-Man

So I read on T-Man's blog the other day that his precious phone had "died". I was most upset to hear this as I know he uses it regularly to chat to his girlfriend, the beautiful Chelsea (she's a supermodel dontcha know).

T-Man, I hope you aren't too sad without your phone. If mummy can't get hold of another one, let me know and we can send you one as our local pet shop has lots of them and we would be happy to help out.

I have a phone the same as T-Man's which I LOVE playing with. I thought my good friend Simba would also appreciate one so that he could call up his Boo & chat the day away, so I sent him one for his recent 1st barkday. Hmm, seems like he was far more interested in the treats which accompanied it! However, he has since informed me that he does likes his phone a lot.

Now Simba, I want to make sure you know how to make proper use of your phone & get the optimum amount of noise from it to make sure that mummy & fat, fat daddy can enjoy the delightful sound of the ring too. I therefore refer you to my post here for proper usage advice & also recommend that you watch the following instructional videos. I also hope that they will remind T-Man of happy times with his phone.

Please note that no phones were injured during the making of these films!

Now in this first video you will see that I have got myself good & comfy on the sofa. It also helps if you train mum or dad to retrieve the phone for you should it happen to fall to the floor. Chew rhythmically but not too hard. The aim here is to get maximum ring-rings, not to break the phone. Lucky for you, your mouth is smaller & therefore probably more gentle than mine, so your phone will probably have a happier life than mine. Mind you, T-Man is only small & look at his phone...!

It's always good to get a close as you can to mum & dad when you're using the phone. Once again, you wouldn't want them to miss out on a second of the delightful ringing sound.

Now you will see that I was foolish here. I was distracted by evil mum asking if I wanted to go for a walk. That's underhand tactics mum! I must remember not to fall for that trick again. Hopefully you have more willpower than me Simba!

OK, my friend, you're fully trained & good to go. Go forth & ring, ring, ring!

Oscar x


Simba and Jazzi said...

Good advice there Oscar, I love my phone. The first day I had it I spent hours watching Mummy and fat fat Daddy going to answer their phones before they realised it was mine. Sadly they don't fall for that one any more. Mummy is impressed with how long it has lasted, the cat died the same day the phone is still going strong.

Thank you for all my pressies.

Simba xx

Boo Casanova said...

i bet fatty fat fat shorty short short smarty small small simba won't be able to destroy the phone that easily. LOL

wow oscar, that noise sure annoying. hehehe. i drag mom over to play the videos, she got really annoyed and stop it half way. wah-ha-ha! good tactic. me gonna find one soon using my pocket money.

wet wet licks


Peanut said...

Oh I so need one of those phones to drive my mom crazy.

Headgirl said...

Loved it, especially when you threw your phone away, I frequently feel like doing that to mine...
Pats & pets to you.

PS. Thanks for signing my guest book. I did so want a photo of the handsome one.

Asta said...

OOhhh Oscar, that's such a cool phone,I think I'll use my savings and get one for Muzzers day you think my Mummy will appreciate me calling all my friends? You're such ahandsome boy Oscar..I love your big gorgeous tail that I saw whooshing by as you ran for you walkies...smoochie kisses Asta

Faya said...

Waouw quel super téléphone dis-moi. Ca marche aussi quand ils regardent la télévision ? hahahaaha... Bisous mon Oscar, ta Faya

Dandy Duke said...

OMG what an awesome toy and yup, it would drive the hoomans NUTS!!!! hehehehehe
I think we all need one of these! So Oscar, how do we all go about finding this?

Love ya lots,

Pippin, the Gentle Pup said...

Our people keep the phone hidden pretty well--do you think using a remote control would work?


Joe Stains said...

that is a great movie, mom is SO GLAD I do not have one of those toys because it would drive her CRAZY. Plus I would calling for pizza delivery everyday!

Katherine and Pippa said...

I have only just got my head round a blog. How on earth do I do this phone stuff? How clever you are.

Although mistress managed to put my pic on someone else's phone and he can't get it off now!


Tadpole said...

My girl keeps saying "thank GOD you don't have one of those" but I don't know why?!?! I would LOVE it and play with it ALL THE TIME!!!

Fu Fu said...

Haa Oscar, that phone sure made alot of delightful ringtones.

~ fufu

Billy (YES Casanova!!!) said...

Mom thought she would go bonkers listening to all those ring tones...something tells me I won't be getting one of those any time soon ...sigh.

BIG hugs from Billy Boo:)

T-man Angel said...

Ooh, I miss my phone!! I probably did more chewing on it than ringing. You're really good at getting it to ring a lot. You have a real talent, Oscar!

Mom says she can order me a new phone, but no chewing this time, please!


Anonymous said...

this is one of the coolest toy i have seen.

i love how irritating it is for the humans!

i would love to get one for myself to call all of you.


Hammer said...

Hey Oscar

I wish my mum would buy me a phone. I don't know whether it would last long though.

I'm in the bad books with my mum tonite. I ate all the birds mince. Mum was thawing it out in the kitchen sink and when she wasn't looking, I ate it all !!! Then I took the cover off the cake and started to munch on that.

I doubt mum is going to buy me a phone any time soon.

Love from your friend, Hammer

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Hi Oscar - as always good videos, it is taking me some time to catch up though!

Lovely to be back though!

Cheers! Marvin xxxxx

Bogart H. Devil said...

Ok now I want one of those... it will drive mom crazy, and we all know that there are times when that is GOOD...


Amber-Mae said...

Oh wow, you're a killing machine Oscar! But err... aren't ya gonna answer the phone? LOL!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Myeo said...

So cool. We will try to look for one so that we can irritate the hoomans..hehe

Boy n Baby

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

I have had lots of noisy toys that irritated J1 & J2 to distraction. Fortunately they never last too long as I rip them to shreds! I like the way you've trained your servants to hand you the toy when it falls out of reach. Too bad you fell for the old "walkies" trick though. Better luck next time! J x