The life and times of an English Airedale Terrier puppy

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Terrier Tagged Twice

Hello everyone! Phew, I finally caught up on my sleep after all that fun on Sunday with my Airedale buddies! It was the best time ever (apart from the bath I got when we got home).

Anyhow, I got tagged by
Faya to show my worst photos. Now because mum seems to have that bloomin' camera permanently attached to her wrist, there are often moments captured on memory card that I really wish weren't.

I think this has to be my worst moment EVER! I mean seriously, does that look like me? An Airedale? A dog?? I look like the creature from the swamp! Please don't have nightmares.

This is not a bad, bad photo, but I'd still prefer to have some control over my ears and facial hair. I know I may look happy, but I'm really not I can assure you. I was actually telling mum to get the camera out of my face when she snapped a shot.

DoG knows what I am doing in this photo. I don't really stick my tongue out all that often. Well, it's not really got hot enough in the UK yet (ever?) to start panting. I may have been trying to get a shot of the black spot on my tongue, but the angle wasn't quite right. Do you other Airedales have the black spot on your tongues? Anyhow, I think I look pretty stoopid.

What can I even say to excuse this one. The stance, the eyes, the angle that makes my face look longer than ever. It's just wrong, wrong, wrong!

Another bad photo. I was obviously having a bad day that day. What is going on with my ears?! And the devil-dog eyes? Evil flash! The only good thing about this photo is my bandanna!

And if that wasn't bad enough and I haven't scared you all off, Asta tagged me too. For her challenge, I have to show photos of me in weird/funny situations. I couldn't find any really good photos for this challenge, so I hope this selection will suffice.

This first photo was taken back in February when I saw my first snow. Remember this snowman that I came across complete with some rather large *ahem* "boy bits"? Well, he didn't have them for long once I arrived on the scene. Here I am chomping the offending articles. Well, I had to protect the eyes of younger pups and children!

Here I am celebrating St Patrick's Day back in March. If a picture of a dog who isn't Irish and can't drink celebrating St Paddy's isn't a bit strange then I don't know what is!

No, I don't know why I got on the table, but I suppose it must have seemed a good idea at the time. Check out how impressed I am to have the moment captured on camera though, hehehe. if looks could kill....

And this is just plain wrong. Mum dressed me up as Woody for my puppy class Christmas party back in December. To be fair, she did dress up as Jessie so I wasn't the only one looking stoopid, but I was still extremely embarrassed!

Well, there you go, I hope that covers my mission. Now then, who shall I tag? Hmm, I think I'm going to choose Perfect Tosca - I need to see if her perfect-ness ever slips! The choice is yours Tosca, weird or bad photos, I don't mind.


Oscar x


Katherine and Pippa said...

Wow Oscar you look terrible in that first pic.

Do you have a nice destructive chewing habit with perhaps a partiality for camera batteries?

Or you could dribble all over the lens if you are having a bad swamp, I mean, bad fur day.

I have a black spot too. We could start a black spot club.....


Amber-Mae said...

OMG Oscar! That 1st picture is awful... It looked like your face got mauled by something from the swamp! Yikes!!!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Allegra the Airedale! said...


My mom game me a bath on Sunday too after we went to the beach on Saturday. She really wanted to give one of Saturday but she was too tired (I love when she's too tired to do mean stuff like BATHS). Plus I told her I didn't even get in the water because I hate it!

PS I made momma burn all the bad pictures of me.

Simba and Jazzi said...

So many bad photo's, I blame the person with the camera.

Simba xx

Boo Casanova said...

oscar, all the photos except the first one, look kinda alright. simba blames everything on the photographer. hehehe.

wet wet licks


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Oscar! those pictures are the funniest ever of you!!!!!!!!!

Especially the first one, the creature from the devil swamp.....I have been laughing, laughing, laughing at that one!

Could not quite make out which bit was which! love and licks, Marv xxxxx

wally said...

THOSE are your worst photos? You are one photogenic dude! My worst photos generally involve me in pottying positions.


Asta said...

Osca, that first picture does look like the creature from the blue lagoon..super scaawy...but I disagree on the rest you're your gorgeous self..the flash does make devil eyes, that's not you, and you have a bootiful tongue. I don't have spots on my tongue, but my whole tummy is full of them, and now they're spreading to the inside of my legs...eeeek, I hope I don't turn into a dalmation(no offence to pwetty dalmations, just I wasnt to stay a terrier)..I make Mommi erase all bad pics right away..I love digital for that
Lots of smoochie kisses

Joe Stains said...

woaah those are some doofus faced pictures up at the top there! thanks for sharing!!

Peanut said...

oh haha thanks for the laughs. Those were some good photos.

Duke said...

That first photo is really scary! Mom said that Mitch couldn't see it or he'd have nightmares!
BTW I have a black spot on my tongue but Mitch doesn't. Lots of Airedales do have them. We've had this discussion on my Airedale Yahoo group!

Love ya lots,

Tadpole said...

Oh Oscar, you always make me laugh, but ESPECIALLY this post!!! No offense, but you look like a deformed sloth in the first one! I blame it all entirely on the humans. They must have worked really hard to take a bad picture of YOU!

Ruby Bleu said...

It doesn't matter how bad the photos are, you are STILL handsome!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

That first photo is very scary indeed. You look like a monster from a horror film. I can't believe it's really you! JX

Faya said...

Oh mon pauvre Oscar, je constate que ta maman aussi ne se sépare jamais de son appareil. La mienne s'en est même offert un de 10 MPix !!!!! Merci d'avoir joué le jeu et même sur ces photos c'est toi le plus beau....oui oui...
Bisous, ta Faya

Snowball said...

Hi Oscar, you are so adorable. The tagging was started by Chilli the Dog asking doggies to show picture of weird or funny situation they are in. I wonder how it turn out to be weird or worst pictures but it is still very funny. Thanks for sharing.

You can tag more than 1 so we can start seeing more weird pictures.

Many hugs to the cuttie boy,

Headgirl said...

Those were some really funny shots!
They did brighten my day.

Pats & pets

Sophie Brador said...

I think you're bad photos are great. You just can't look bad, Oscar. You're too cute.

Billy (YES Casanova!!!) said...

The first picture doesn't do you justice at all dear Oscar but LOVE the pictures. I seem to have the same habit as you and I jump on the table in the living room. Mom is not impressed as she caught me twice so far but hasn't seen the other "many" times I do this!

BIG hugs from Billy Boo:)

Bogart H. Devil said...

Haha those pictures made my mom laugh HARD!!! Apparently there are some lousy photos of me around here somewhere too, she said she could relate...


T-man Angel said...

Ooh, I'm still trembling from that first photo...scary....

Lorenza said...

Hi, Oscar. Your face in the first picture look like my doll, disfigured!
The others are so funny!
Have a good night!

Nugget said...

I loved the photos Oscar! I think several were cute...even if you did have devil eyes! Licks, Nugget

Myeo said...

Dont worry.. everyone bad hair or bad face day.

Boy n Baby

Stanley said...

Hey, Oscar! Good to see that you're a BIG GOOB too! I must say that I admire your patience with your mum! (She snaps the photos because she thinks your stinkin' adorable you know). Goob love, Stanley

jaffeboy said...

Love that hat U wore for St Paddy's.

Anonymous said...

Haha Oscar! Those are great!

Persephone and Buster said...

Oscar, you're LUCKY!

Ya know why? You reflect light!

Ever try to take a picture of a Kerry Blue? It's not pretty. Gunmetal blue dog, dark, dark, dark. Use the flash? The eyes glow like those of Cerberus and the rest of the dog just disappears!

You're quite photogenic, even on a bad-hair day!


Persephone & Buster

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