The life and times of an English Airedale Terrier puppy

Friday, March 09, 2007


I am not a happy boy today. Remember I said the other day that dad's mum & dad were moving out to Spain with their 2 poodles? Well, the poodles were going overland with a pet transport company & were supposed to arrive with my grandma & grandad last Sunday, 4th March.

As we hadn't heard from grandma & grandad since they arrived in Spain on the 3rd, we assumed they were OK & were just busy settling in & enjoying their new life. Oh no, quite the reverse...they finally managed to contact us yesterday & gave us the dreadful news that the van with Sammy & Suzy in had apparently been stolen near Barcelona. The van was apparently found later near Benidorm (further down the Spanish coast) with no Sammy & Suzy.

Grandma & grandad have spent every day since Sunday talking to police, animal shelters, getting ads put in local papers & looking for Sammy & Suzy but to no avail. My mum speaks Spanish so she has emailed some shelters who are trying to help.

As you can imagine, grandma & grandad are devastated, and are so worried that Sammy & Suzy have just been dumped somewhere if the thieves were just after the van. I can only hope that someone has taken them in & is looking after them. They must have been stressed enough from the long journey from England without this happening to them. Mum, dad & I have slept so badly worrying about grandma & grandad as well as Sammy & Suzy of course.

Grandma & grandad did all the checks they could to try to make sure the company were reputable, but grandma is now a bit dubious and is wondering if the company are some way involved in their disappearance.

I guess all we can do is keep looking, contacting people who may be able to help & keep fingers & paws firmly crossed that Sammy & Suzy are found safe & well.

I don't feel like doing anything much as I am just so sad & worried. They are only teeny toy poodles & they don't even bark Spanish. Please pray for them.

***UPDATE*** One of the shelters has phoned grandma & grandad to say that a white toy poodle with a collar on has been spotted running around in a village on the coast. It's very scared & no-one has been able to catch it yet. Suzy is a very timid white poodle, so please let it be her & let Sammy be nearby too. Grandma & grandad have already had 2 false alarms today. They have gone to the village to see if it is Suzy & if so hopefully they can catch her so paws crossed we will soon hear some news.

Oscar x


Bogart H. Devil said...

OH NO Oscar!!!!!! That's terrible!!!!! I really, really hope that the poodles are found, safe and sound and SOON!!!!!

Sending lots of Aire love and thoughts,


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Oh Oscar, this is terrible news! How awful, we can imagine just how worried you all are!

Please Please Please keep us informed. thinking of you all!

What a shame, Jeannie cannot get over your post there, what a terrible, terrible business.

love and very sad licks Marvin xxxxx

Jeannie xxxxx (what a worry, I am thinking of you. You were so kind to help me with the video stuff!)

Take care won't you and keep us posted.

Dandy Duke said...

ohhhhhhhhhh Oscar,
Mom is crying as she's typing this to you. How absolutely horrible! Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Please post again that the poodles are safe and sound real soon, okay?

Love ya lots,

Faya said...

Oh Oscar, je vais penser à eux très fort. C'est terrible ce qui arrive. J'espère que tu nous donneras des nouvelles bientôt. Bisous, Faya

Liberty Doo Dah said...

Oh Oscar!! Mum and I are praying for Sammy & Suzy's safe return home! Terrible news! Sending LOTS and LOTS of Airezen to you and your granparents! That's just the worst news EVER!

Joe Stains said...

Oh no what awful news! I do hope they find them and please let us know as soon as you hear anything!

Sophie Brador said...

Oh Oscar, This story makes me so sad. I am so so hoping that they are able to find both of them. How awful.

Sharon said...

Good luck in the hunt! My girlfriends dog ran off and we searched and searched but couldn't find him. Later that night, we got a call from the sheriff five miles north of here to let us know that they had found a tired dirty dog. Sure enough, it was him. I wonder what he was up to?

Headgirl said...

What awful news!
I do so hope it has a happy ending!
Will be watching for news...

Rachael said...

What a horrific nightmare! I really hope they are found safe and sound very soon! Sending lots of positive thoughts towards Spain.

Simba and Jazzi said...

What awful news, you must all be worried sick. I really hope this has a happy ending very soon.

Simba xx

Dandy Duke said...

We're checking back this morning for news. We prayed all last night! We'll continue with the prayers Oscar!

Love ya lots,

jaffeboy said...

So sorry to hear this, Oscar. I hope they can find the both of them real soon. They must be terrified now.

Paws cross...

Suki & Joey said...

Poor little babies (sniff!). I'm so worried about them, Oscar. Please let us know as soon as you find anything out.
They are in our thoughts and prayers.
Puggy kisses for your family

Myeo said...

Oh no! We are so sad to know about this. We really hope that the poodles will be found soon. Please keep us posted.

Boy n Baby

T-man Angel said...

Oh, that's horrible news!! That's every pet parent's worst nightmare. I'll be praying for Sammy & Suzy. Please keep us updated on the news.

Poodles are very smart doggies. Maybe they'll figure out a way to get to their parents, or at least to stay safe until they are found. At least they have each other.


Rachel said...

Oh no! That is horrible! I hope the lovely poodles are found soon and that they will be safe! Loads of licks and wished for speedy poodle return!


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Oscar and Mum - just checking in for an update, I hope all is going well in the search and perhaps they may have caught the wee poodle which was spotted on the coast. Have been thinking of you all weekend.

Keep us posted!

Jeannie x

Cash said...

OOhhhhh is such sad news...We are thinking of you...and them and praying they are safe...and found very, very soon. Sammy and Suzy: we are thinking of you and praying you find your way home!!
Please keep us informed; we'll keep checking the blog.
Jasper, Cynthia (my Momma) and Tessia (my Sissy)

Boo Casanova said...

GOSH! that sure a dreadful news. i hope the poodle is indeed either suzy or sammy.

my prayer to suzy & sammy for a safe and early return.

wet wet licks


Sophie Brador said...

Oh Oscar, I keep checking your blog, hoping for a happy update on the poodles. Fingers and paws crossed for their safe return.