The life and times of an English Airedale Terrier puppy

Friday, January 05, 2007

On the Mend


Yep, as Boo predicted, 2 days post op & I'm feeling much better. I still need lots of love & sympathy from mum & dad though (obviously), especially as it's their fault I had to have the stoopid operation in the first place. At least they have stopped calling me "Sponge Bob" today since I've pooped the washing up sponge which I ate the night before my op!

I am making the most of being "ill" though by sitting on the sofa when I think no-one's looking. Oops, caught in the act.

I have been trying quite hard to get the stoopid "lampshade" off. You might be able to see the biting on the picture below. I had chewed quite a big section at the front but mum cut it off. Spoilsport! Bussie, I don't know if you can see, but my collar is called "Buster"!

More biting of the stoopid thing.

Aha, mum's distraction techniques include tempting me with a marrowbone chewy. OK, I'll behave (until you're not looking mum).

Stupid face as I have the whole marrowbone chew in my mouth. I normally hold it in my paws and chew away, but I can't manage to do that with the lampshade. What do you think of the new floor mum & dad laid over the Christmas holidays? I think it looks smart, if a bit slippy!

Last but not least a few videos of the anti-chew distraction techniques!

I'm back to see Emma the vet tomorrow morning so hopefully all is OK. Hopefully she might say I can have slightly longer walks as the 2-3 minutes I've been getting the past couple of days is REALLY not fun.
Oscar x


fee said...

hey oscar, glad you're feeling better already! will you be getting more medicine from the vet tomorrow? i love medicine!


Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

He he. Yes I saw on your blog you liked medicine Fee! I didn't have any this time, but when I hurt my paw I had tablets. Like when I get worming tablets, I ate them as if they were sweeties, not supposedly yucky tablets, which mum & dad found quite amusing!

Oscar x

Wired for Mackie said...

Awwww! Poor Oscar! Hope you feel better soon, buddy!

Your pal, Mackie

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

ooooooh Oscar, it has just let me in to your comments to make mine!

Glad you are feeling better, hope you get the lampshade off very soon, although you would make a very pretty table lamp as a part time job!

Enjoyed your videos, perhaps you could come and advise my so called "Editor In Chief", she is still struggling with the concept of posting videos on to my Blogs!

Keep your spirits up, Love and licks from Marvin xxxxx

Dandy Duke said...

awwwwwwwwwww Oscar, how pathetic! I feel so bad for you. I hope you get that lampshade off soon. It's cramping your style!

Love ya lots,

Faya said...

Salut Oscar ! Vraiment pas de chance.... Quand j'ai eu mon opération Véronique a du me mettre un t-shirt pour pas que je lèche ma cicatrice : vert fluo le t-shirt ! No comments..... Bisous

Sunshade said...

To be honest, you really dont' seem to be bothered by the lampshade at all, and I'm impressed at how accurate and agile you are with it on. You don't seemed to have any difficulties eating your treats LOL!

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

Sharon said...

Don't worry oscar. We dogs are tough. We can handle anything those humans dish out!
PS I'm gonna link you up.

Scrappy and Pebbles said...

Glad you are feeling better.

nose licks

Myeo said...

We hope you are feeling better!

Boy n Baby

Simba and Jazzi said...

My human brothers and Daddy said Mummy was wicked getting me done. She said she's get them done too if she could. How mean is she! Glad your feeling a bit better.

Simba xx

Boo Casanova said...

wow oscar, you are up and running like normal already. keep the lampshade on! otherwise, the wound will tempt you to lick it.

and i agreed with sunshade, you don't seem bothered much by the lampshade though.

wet wet licks


Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Just remember lil buy guy, lampshade = party!!!!

Bussie Kissies