The life and times of an English Airedale Terrier puppy

Friday, January 19, 2007

Home Alone

Well folks, I did my first out of crate stint, and you know what? It was actually pretty nice. It's true what mum & dad were trying to tell me - I can have much more fun when I'm not squished up in my crate. I was really good too. No chewing forbidden things, no stealing stuff, no barking (according to our neighbour who mum checked up with, sneaky mum!), no little "accidents", not that mum & dad were expecting any as I have been house trained for AGES. I am liking my bed being under the stairway, it's super cosy in there, and that's where I was when mum got home (though I came trotting to the door pretty fast when I heard the key turn). Mum thinks I did a bit more of a crazy greeting then when I get let out of my crate, but I was just so keen to show her that I had been a well-behaved boy.

I was watching mum fill up my Kong here. I got peanut butter & carrot today, thanks to all your good recommendations on my last post. Yummy!

Mum was determined that I wasn't going to get bored! I had my Kong as just mentioned, my Busy Buddy with a teeny smear of Marmite - I love it, dad loves it, mum hates it (so guess she won't be stealing my Busy Buddy anytime soon), & my Buster Cube with half my breakfast in it. I had wondered where the rest was when I had my brekkie.

Yep, lots of space in the kitchen to play. And a nice bowl of water wth ice cubes, excellent.

Lots of room out here to. I'm keeping an eye out for Fat Flakes, but she's probably busy scoffing her food upstairs.

Which one to choose first, decisions decisions. In the end I plumped for the Kong as the peanut butter smelt soooooooooooooooooo good.

I actually didn't even notice mum & dad had gone out. They left the radio on low which was nice, and by the time I had worked on my Kong & other toys, I was ready for naps with my stuffies. It didn't seem long at all until I heard that key turn in the door.
I think I could get used to this. It seems like a good way to get more food if nothing else!
Oscar x


Anonymous said...

J'étais certaine que tout irait bien. C'est vrai que tu n'es plus un bébé. Moi je suis du 14 mars 2006. Bisous, ta Faya

Dandy Duke said...

Hey you're making out pretty well Oscar! You're loose - you're getting fat and happy and you've got music! Time to invite friends over for a pawty next time mom is out!!! Make sure my name is on the list, okay?

Love ya lots,

Rachael said...

Good boy Oscar. Being out of the crate is a big responsibility. Looks like you handled it like a champ! oh and welcome to ruffdogs!

Pippin, the Gentle Pup said...

Hey Oscar,

Good work on your first time loose--it's kind of like growing up (but don't let your people get lulled into a sense of security and then stop giving you your exra fun stuffed toys!

See you

Sharon said...

Hey, we've been letting Snickers try being out and this is the third time now since we got her (we've had her 1 1/2 years now). Finally, SUCCESS!! The first day, she ate a bag. The second day, she ate a tag off a piece of furniture, but no damage to the furniture. I have no idea how she got the tag which is on the underside of the furniture. Today, nothing! Just a good dog that had to pee really bad when we got home!

Boo Casanova said...

good job oscar! you've made it! i'm sure you'll like being outside. roam, oscar, roam the whole house!

wet wet licks


Joe Stains said...

any way to get more food is good news! just keep being a good boy. I am allowed to go all over the house when mom and dad are gone, but not the doofus, he is locked up!!

Scrappy and Pebbles said...

Congratulations on gaining some freedom.

Tail wags

Simba and Jazzi said...

Next time they leave you alone invite a few friends over and order a pizza. Just make sure you clean up before they get home.

Simba xx

jaffeboy said...

Well done champs... I'm sure you'll get more treats if you continue to be a good boy.

Other then dried lungs, dried liver & tripe is pawsome too!!!

K, gotta go check out my kong now. ta

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

my hoooooman sister loves Marmite....she used to give me the crust of her toast which was covered in the evil stuff, I hate it!

But my hooooman sister doesn't like me much so that is why she was so generous! hoooomans eh? love Marvinxxxxx

Myeo said...

You are such a good boy. You deserves the treats.

Boy n Baby

Loki said...

Oscar is a naughty boy...
*run and hide*
HaHa.. hello my friend!! How are you???


Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Wow you've got a whole arsenal of toys there! Glad everything went so well for you!

Bussie Kissies

Nugget said...

Yay Oscar - Good Job!

Sunshade said...

I am soooooo proud of you Oscar, what a wonderful boy you are. Now, if you could just teach STINKY that..

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

Chelsea said...

You did it! Good boy!

I am so proud of you.

Mama and Papa let me have free roam of the house now when they go out but, it took them a while for this to happen. I have proven to be trustworthy and so now I have my run of the house. In other words...all I ever do when they leave is sleep so nothing to worry about.


Bogart H. Devil said...

I knew you'd have fun out in the open Oscar!!! I'm in for party time too with Maggie, so just let me know and I'll bring the doggie beer!


Fu Fu said...

Hey Oscar, I love a little peanut butter on my bread too. :)

~ fufu

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Faya - J'ai écrit ton anniversaire sur le calendrier ma petite

Maggie - You'll definitely be on the pawty list Maggie-licious

Rachael - Thanks for that. I love Ruffdogs!

Pippin - I'll try to make sure the treats keep flowing, thanks for the heads up

Sharon - Woo hoo to Snickers!

Boo - I would roam if I could work out how to jump the stair gate

Joey - Ha ha, stoopid Doofus

Scrappy - I am loving the freedom, thanks for the congrats

Simba - What pizza do you like buddy?

Jaffe - Ooh, thanks for the treat ideas

Marvin - Yeah, I read your sis was a bit scared of dogs. Hope you're winning her round slowly

Boy & Baby - Thanks, I'll let mum & dad know that!

Loki - I'm not naughty!! I'm fine thank you my friend

Buster - Yeah, I love my toys

Nugget - Thanks Nugget, you're very handsome

Sunshade - Wouldn't you rather STINKY stay in his crate out of your way?

Chelsea - Yeah, I can see the sleeping all day thing being attractive, especially if you can get on a couch or bed

Bogie - Grab the beer, hop onna plane & come over my friend

FuFu - You must have a teensy bit of bread & peanut butter!

Oscar x