The life and times of an English Airedale Terrier puppy

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

The Scoop on Mum & Dad

Happy 4th July to all of you celebrating today. I hope you get sunny weather, good food, fun with your families and not too many scawie fireworks. I put my stars and stripes banner that Putter sent me on to get in the spirit!

Now lovely Reina tagged me so I thought I'd join in the fun and give you the lowdown on my folks. It's been fun reading everyone's interviews and details on their own family.

Here are my mum and dad. This was taken at the end of the night at a Christmas party, hence why they both look very drunken! There was a fake snow machine apparently, and that's what is floating around all over the photo.

As you can see, both mum and dad are red heads, which means they can both have pretty fiery tempers at times! They are both pretty stubborn too. However, they love each other very much, so they never stay cross with each other for too long. Dad is 3 1/2 years older than mum, but I think he still looks pretty good for his age, hehehe. People usually think mum is a lot younger than she is, which she is always happy about! They aren't married (how shocking), but hopefully if they ever do tie the knot I can be a page boy at the wedding. I can wear a bow tie like the one dad has on in the photo!

Dad has 2 daughters. As I think you know, they come to see us every other week. They used to be quite scared of me as their dog is an old, very docile Border Collie and my puppy energy was a bit full on. Now they have realised that I only get excited for 5 minutes or so when they first arrive (well I haven't seen them for almost 2 weeks so of course I go a little crazy!). They play with me lots now and give me the best rubs and tickles. They now also have a new puppy of their own, another Border Collie, so now they get full on puppy fun 24/7!

E is 6 and J is 4. They are both super smart. E is already a year ahead in school and still finds the work easy. J will start school in September and no doubt will be a little star too.

My mum works in finance and is studying to be a fully qualified accountant. She has a degree in European languages (French, Spanish and Catalan) and lived out in France (Lyon) and Spain (Barcelona) as part of her degree which she says was great. She has taught me French so I can talk to my Swiss Miss, the beautiful Faya. Mum enjoys reading, running, TV and films, cooking (and eating LOTS), languages and looking after and loving me and my fat cat sis Flakes. She has 1 younger sister.

My dad works with computers and IT, though I don't know what "it"is. He looks after the computer system for the company where he works, and also installs the software and hardware the company makes and sells in their customer's premises. My dad really wanted a Border Collie or a Welsh Springer Spaniel puppy, but mum has always wanted an Airedale and managed to persuade him. Guess she was the more stubborn one that time! He found me hard work at first as he was used to Border Collies who are very obedient, submissive and eager to please, but now he loves me lots (apart from when I try to knock his new aquarium over when looking at Mr Plec). Dad has 2 older sisters and 1 younger brother.

So there you have it. I didn't tell you much about Flakes, but because I am in a happy mood this week after my DWB win and obedience award success, I have said I might let her do a post later this week. It depends how nice she is to me so we'll see...

Oscar x


Gwyn Valentine said...

HI OScar!
I tagged you to share with us about your parents!!!
Your mum sure looks really young! And very sweet too!
You mum sounds like a very smart woman! Knowing so many languages must be really something. My dad is studying computer too!

Amber-Mae said...

Awww... thank you for sharing this with us Oscar! You mommy & daddy look soo cute together but they look even cuter when you're in the pictures with them too, hehehe! I'm glad to know that your hoomans decided to get you instead of a Border or a Springer Spaniel. I think you're smart! We ALL doggies are smart! It's just how much effort our hoomans put in to teach us stuff... right!? Hehehehe...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Katherine and Pippa said...

Hola. Guau. That was a good read.

Sounds like your mum and dad are very clever.

That's why you chose them or they chose you..?


Boo Casanova said...

yeah oscar, i thought your mom is really very young in the 2nd photo with you. she looks like she's a teenager! but of course when she put on make up in the first one, she looks pretty mature.

does your mom research about airedale before she got you? how she knows she wanted an airedale?

wet wet licks


Jake of Florida said...

Hi Oscar,

Thanks for dropping by our blog -- particularly the part where I, Just Harry, got to say something!!

I know what you mean about those first five minutes of excitement -- that used to scare some people too; but we are terriers, right?and that's what terriers do.

I think Mom secretly wants an Airedale. I showed her the photo of you as a lap dog and she sighed.

Thanks for the Fourth of July wishes. We're putting our bandanas on and will be up and posting soon.

Your pal from South Florida,

Just Harry -- and oh yes, Jake too

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Oscar,
Thanks for sharing and 3.5 years difference is NOT old. Seriously, my mom is older than my dad too..*wink* Oops..not sure if I was supposed to leak that out.
Is your Mom going to go into audit work or perhaps something else? My auntie is a CPA or something. Some accountant too.

Peanut said...

I'm glad you let us get to know your parents better.

Isabella said...

Oscar, you have a wonderful family! Even litle girls to play with- that is so kewl! Love your bandana!
Big Wags,

Dandy Duke said...

I'm sure glad your mom won the doggy breed choice! You've sure proven yourself to be a wonderful obedient pal!
Your mom and dad look so young!

Love ya lots,

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

awwwwwww! Oscar, they were lovely family pics you put on there. Jeannie said it was lovely to see your Ma and Pa and know what they look like now!

Your Ma sounds very clever, and wise, cos she chose you! And your Dad looks good too!

You are a lucky Airebaby.....! And you have hoooooman siblings like me, wow!

We like the last pic of you and your Pa, you look as if you are going to smother the poor guy!!!!!

love and licks, from Marvin ps your Independence Day Banner is sooooooooooo coooooool!

love from Sunny Central Scotland, yet again! well, between the heavy showers. Mwah Mwah! Marv xxxxxx

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

ooooh meant to say Bandana in my last comment, not banner! I have Miss Sunshade's Banner on my mind, I cant see it, how about you?

love licks, Marv xxxx

The Airechicks said...


What a nice family you have...

You're right your Mums & Dads don't look old at all....Must be all the AIREDALE livin' right at your house ....Your hooman sissies are very cute and look very you said....

Thank you for sharing....

Joe Stains said...

It was cool to learn about your mom and dad but I dont think you need to let flakes post.


Hi Oscar, great to read about your loving family. You really must be on a high right now! Congrats on the DWB award and for getting your Gold Obedience award, be sure to post pics of you receiving it on Wednesday.
Jazz and Dixie

Ruby Bleu said...

Well Oscar I am so happy your Mum won out and got you!!! They are such a cute couple and you make them even cuter!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Chelsea said...

Your mom and dad are a good looking couple, they must of got that from you.
And your mom with all those languages obviously inherited your wisdom.


the many Bs said...

Hey Oscar, you have a very interesting a fun family. your mom and dad are very nice and you have some funny kids too!

Jessica said...

Oscar....Happy 4th of July to you too. Thanks for sharing your family with us. Looks like you have a great life!!!

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Sharon said...

Thanks for the 4th of July wishes! We love you! GB helped make us what we are today!
Snickers and Sharon

Sophie Brador said...

Hey Oscar, Your family looks really great. Your mom sounds really cool. Good to know that if you ever come to Montreal, you will be able to hob nob with the Quebecois pups, although your French will probably be far less slang.

Faya said...

Oh Oscar, quelle jolie famille tu as là. Tu as bien de la chance que ta maman sois plus têtue que ton papa.... Ici aussi c'est grâce à maman que je suis arrivée dans la famille. Vive les femmes !!!!!
De toute façon pour avoir un airedale il FAUT être têtu !!! Hahaha.... Merci de nous avoir fait découvrir ta famille, c'est très sympa. Bisous, ta Faya

Toby said...

Hi Oscar,

Thanks for sharing that with us. Your Mom and Dad look so cute together! My parents aren't married either but that's ok with me.

What's this 'bout you trying to knock over the aquarium?? Yikes, that sounds kinda scary. Be careful, k?


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Your mom looks so sweet. Thanks for sharing your family info with us. :)Is Flakes nice to you?

~ girl girl

fee said...

hi oscar, i think your mommy is lovely; she looks like a movie star. and i had imagined that your daddy would be a little older and wider than he really is; he looks kinda cute too! now we know where you got your good looks from.:) i wish i had pretty siblings just like yours though.

ps: congrats on all that awards! you're just too clever!

Myeo said...

Your mom is very pretty. She looks younger on the 2nd photo. Is that where you got your good look?

Boy n Baby

ToFFee said...

Hi Oscar!

you have such paweetty mummy and such a dashing daddy!

your mum do look young. and I'm sure with all the languages she know.. she can take you awound the woild!

your daddy'd spiffin IT? so how does that go? he looks vewy intelligent.

I'm gald they got you! you're vewy intelligent! watch for the fishies.


coco said...

what a truly lovely family you have, oscar! and it's no surprise that your girls are so smart, it seems to run in the family!

your mum is very pretty, and your dad reminds my mom of her most favoritest singer on earth, bono somebody. do you know who that is? it's supposed to be a huge compliment cuz she says he's super hot!!!!

thanks for letting us know how life is for you over there, oscar. i'm so very glad we're friends!!!!

love, coco

Lorenza said...

Hi, Oscar
Thanks for sharing your family with us.
Your mom is beautiful and looks very young! And your dad is handsome!
The girls are beautiful too!
Have a nice day

Frasier said...

Hi Oscar
Good to hear about your family,your parents make a good looking couple and your sissys are cute.

Stanley said...


Your parents look cool, and very intelligent I might add (they chose you, right?)! I guess that makes you pretty bright, too, for adopting them.

Thanks for sharing! I love hearing about everydoggie (and Girl Girl's) families. It's never as I expect.

Your goober bud,

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