The life and times of an English Airedale Terrier puppy

Friday, April 13, 2007

Sammi & Suzy

No, sadly they still haven't been found, but I know a lot of you have been keeping your paws crossed & sending positive vibes, so I thought you might like to see some photos of them.

Grandad is staying with us this week as he has come back to pick up the rest of his & grandma's belongings & their car which we have been looking after, then he is going to drive all the way to Spain. I was so pleased to see him when he, mum & dad got back from the airport, but when he said there was no news on Sammi & Suzy I was so sad. I have been trying hard to keep grandad amused while mum & dad are at work. We have played lots of tuggie, had cuddles, been on some cool walks & I even went jogging with grandad which was REALLY good fun. Mum & dad, I hope you're listening because I want all this to continue once grandad leaves on Sunday!

I told grandad that you all knew about Sammi & Suzy & that you were all keeping your paws crossed & praying for good news & he was amazed that you all cared. I think after the Spanish police & the nasty company that lost them in the first place were so unhelpful, they felt maybe that people didn't understand the loss they were feeling. He has told grandma about my blog so she is checking in & I'm sure she'll be amazed by all the good vibes being sent their way by you all.

Did you know the stoopid company hadn't even registered Sammi & Suzy's microchips on the Spanish database like they were supposed to, so even if a shelter had got them, they would not show up on any records. Grandad is so, so mad. He has written to the local newspaper in Spain & also a national paper here in the UK to tell the story & try to stop other people using this company & going through the heartache that they are going through. The company hasn't so much as sent a letter of apology to grandma & grandad. Poor grandad has been getting up in the night while he's been with us as he is still sleeping badly due to worrying about Sammi & Suzy & having a zillion things going through his mind.

Anyway, enough of me rambling. Here are photos of the beautiful twosome. Here's Sammi. Isn't he just the most handsome little guy?

And this is sweetie pie Suzy. How beautiful is she?

And this is my sad, sad face. Please come home soon you two.


Oscar x


Dandy Duke said...

We'll never give up hope that Sammi and Suzy will be returned to your gram and gramp Oscar!

Love ya lots,

Suki & Joey said...

Maggie's right, we'll never give up hope. I know that Sammi and Suzi will be reunited with your family one day. Poor little babies...I hope that they are being well cared for right now.

Puggy kisses

Simba and Jazzi said...

We are hoping and praying that Sammi and Suzy are home soon. You must all miss them so much.

Simba xx

Tadpole said...

That is so sad - it just makes me cry. I hope and pray Sammi and Suzy and safe and healthy right now, and that they'll come home SOOOOOOON!!!!!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oooh Oscar, how strange, Jeannie was only thinking about Sammi and Suzy this morning on our walkies. That is such a sad news update.

What a terrible company to deal with as well.

Those are such lovely photos as well, we feel even more sad now......

give your Grandad a big Marvin hug from me, love and sad licks, Marv xxxxx (love from Jeannie as well!)

Boo Casanova said...


i'm so sorry to hear that your grandparents still not found sammi & suzy yet.

your face tells us you are really sorry too.

wet wet licks


Peanut said...

You tell your grandad my mom knows exactly how he and your grandma feel as Flash once ran away for 8 days. We got him back and we are hoping that Sammi and Suzy get to come back also.

Asta said...

i eas so sad to hear about those beautiful little kids..your granddad must be devestated...give him lots of extralicks and love till they return...I'm crossing my paws and thinking really hard with positive thoughts

Maggie said...

you should still keep there hopes high . whow knows , they are probably in a shelter somewhere in spain . to bad that stoopid company didnt redo the microchip thingies .... maggie #2

Faya said...

Oh Oscar tu es très gentil de divertir ton grand-père. Ici on continue d'espérer le meilleur pour Sammi et Suzy. Je te fais un gros bisou, ta Faya

Cashew said...

Hi Oscar,

I hope you and your friends are soon reunited. What a sad thing.

You will love Agility. It was a training class for my Mom as well. She had lot's to learn too. We both had so much fun. For me, the best part was all the yummie treats I got for eveything I did.

Have fun and keep me posted. Let me know if you need any pointers! Who knows, maybe one day we'll be competing on an international level. What a hoot that would be!

Lot's o' licks,

Pippin, the Gentle Pup said...

Oh, Oscar, my pack and I have all our paws crossed that Suzy and Sammi will come home soon. Those chip companies really can be trouble sometimes. We've had similar experiences of them not having a chip registered.

We'll be watching your blog and hoping their home soon.

Take care

Loui (and his mum!) said...

Oddly enough, just like Marvins mum and dad my mum was thinking about Sammi and Suzy this week too! We are all sorry no one has any news. Never give up hope, I know we won't and our fingers and paws are still crossed for their safe return.

Loui xx

jaffeboy said...

We feel very sad too, Oscar. I really hope all will turn out well. Poor Sammi & Suzy, they must feel very scared too. Paws cross

Bogart H. Devil said...

We're always thinking about Sammi and Suzy, and I've got all four paws crossed that they will come home safely!!!


Sophie Brador said...

The sadness is just too much to take. Your granddad should march right into that company's offices and punch someone right in the nose. Or maybe just sue the pants off of them instead. How devastating.

Amber-Mae said...

Oh no...I'm keeping my paws crossed & even my hind legs toes crossed too just for more hope for them to come home soon. yeah, they both are bootiful just like you Oscar. I hope they will reunite with you all again soon!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Sharon said...

Oscar, Snickers really hopes big time that Sammi and Suzy come home soon. She knows how important a good home is cuz she didn't have one when she was growing up. I hope the microchip company gets lots of bad press for not delivering what grandad paid for.

Rachael said...

I just cry for your grandparents when I think about their loss. Its just awful! They are lovely little dogs.

Chelsea said...

Oh Oscar....
Now that there are faces we can relate to this make me even more determined to pray to that big DOG in the sky and send blessings your grand ma and pas way.

That so called company that lost them should be ashamed of themselves!
I hope you find them soon.


T-man Angel said...

What absolutely beautiful doggies!! It breaks my heart all the more to know they are missing when I see their sweet faces. We will keep praying for their safe return to your Grandad and Grandma.


Urban Smoothie Read said...

oh i love suzy....she's such a black pearl, juz like me...hahah

Fu Fu said...

Oh Sammi & Suzy are such cute doggies. How can the company be so unresponsible. I hope they'll come back soon. Dont lose hope Oscar

~ fufu

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Oscar,
Pls tell your Grandad and Grandma not to give up on their search for Sammi and Suzy! Somewhere out there, the 2 of them must be waiting to be reunited with their family..
That moving company makes my blood boil and my paws itch to give them a sound smack on their heads.
I'll be telling my guardian angel to look out for them too..

Myeo said...

Sammi n Suzy will be in our prayers. We hope they will be found soon and never shall we give up our hopes.

Boy n Baby

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Paws crossed that they are found very soon. Please keep us posted. J x