The life and times of an English Airedale Terrier puppy

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Fun In The Sun

We are still having unseasonably glorious weather here in the UK. Well, at least in my little corner of it. How is it where you are Simba, Loui & Marvin? People say that hawthorn bushes flowering & swifts returning from their winter holidays usually signal the start of summer here in mid May, but both these things have already happened here. Is this global warming that the hoomans talk of, or just a good year? Who knows really.

So anyhow, off we set to Seven Fields, my local nature reserve and playground. There is a big stick on the way there that has been catching my attention for the last few days.

I tried to suss out how heavy it was & if there was a realistic chance of me managing to drag it home with me on the return journey.

I decided that it was probably not feasible. Mum sometimes carries small stickies home if I get tired on the way home (or more likely find something more interesting to sniff or pick up), but something told me she just wasn't going to be up for heaving this beast home. No problem, I just decided to lie down & have a good old chew instead.

I have to admit that a few passers by did give me some funny looks, dogs included. I thought they would have understood the gloriousness of sticky chewing, but apparently not. Ah well, all the more for me.

Going in for a big old chomp. Ah, happiness is a stick to chew. Did I tell you that I finally ate all the stick that I had hidden in the bushes? It was a sad, sad day when that was all gone. I still haven't found a suitable replacement.

Mum says it's rude to open your mouth when you're eating, I say "aaaaaaaaaaaaah".

When I had sufficiently chewed, we carried on to the fields. In the woods we saw these pretty bluebells. Again, these don't normally appear until May.

We also say some white bluebells, umm, whitebells? Mum didn't know there were white ones. All the rest were the usual colour, so maybe these ones were freaky mutant bluebells?

One on the fields I found a stick that was a bit easier to handle. I'm running around a really marshy natural pond. I like playing in the long grass commando solider stylee. The other day I missed my footing & my head got dunked in the mud. One whole side of my face was totally caked in mud, but thank doG mum didn't have the camera that day as it was really embarrassing. Not the being muddy so much, more the falling over part, doh!

I am giving a "don't mess with me & my sticky" look to any approaching doggies. To say I am such a big softy, I can pull out the mean look when needed. In truth, if they actually came up to me I would give them my stick no questions asked. That's how much of a nice guy I really am!

Here I am practicing my commando stalking through the long grass. Can you see me mum? Oh, you can? Hmm, must work on my crawl, then it'll be much harder to spot me!

I'm on the trail of the rabbits that live here. I have never seen one, but I can smell them & I have seen lots of the tasty chocolate drops they leave lying around.

It's so great to have all this space to bound about in. As I have said before, to say what a great place these fields are, there really aren't ever many hoomans or doggies around. I don't know if the other doggies round here just don't get good walkies like I do, or whether they have all found somewhere even more fantastic to go!

Here I am trying to hunt the silly pigeons. No matter how much I tuck my tail down & try to creep up on them, they always hear me coming & fly off at the last moment. Still, the fun is in the chase, right?

I had to go back on my lead briefly as there was a big doggy that we didn't know in the next field & as we know from bad experience, not all doggies want to be friends (I got nipped on my side by a dog here late last year).

I found a MASSIVE sticky store! This lot will last me the rest of the year!

After lots of running around I had a bit of time out to do some sunbathing in the nice cool grass.

I dug a big, not really. Somebody did though! I wonder what they were trying to get to? That must have been one determined doggie!

We played lots of fetch. I am getting pretty good at it now & will bring the ball back more than 3 times before I get bored. Dad was laughing at me the other day as sometimes when the ball is thrown I act like I don't know where it went & go off to sniff something, but as we walk off I always go to grab my ball from where I know it was all along, hehehe!

This is the state I was in after all that fun in the sun! Absolutely exhausted. As mum always says "A tired puppy is a happy puppy". Ain't that the truth!


Oscar x


Boo Casanova said...

oscar, your hair is growing soooooooo long it's covering your handsome and McDreamy eyes. lol

i wonder if you are still going back to the old stick you mentioned sometime ago??

wet wet licks


p/s, i've been wanted to tell you, IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT, mom gave my toys a bath last weekend... lol not really!

Simba and Jazzi said...

The sun is shining here, we have been driving around with roof down on Mummys car. Mummy has promised me a trip to the Great wood tomorrow if its still nice.

Simba xx

Ruby Bleu said...

Wow Oscar...looks like you had tons of FUN on your walkie. Lots of fun and exciting things to do where you live...every walkie an adventure.

I also like to chew on sticks too...but never any so are SO strong.

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Tadpole said...

Oscar, you look like a regal LION stalking through the grass like that!

And you mom didn't carry that huge stick home for you?! Why do they come with us on our walks, if they aren't going to carry things for us?!

Dandy Duke said...

What a grande time you had Oscar! We're still stuck with cloudy and cool and dreary but this weekend promises to be much nicer! I can't wait!

Love ya lots,

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Lovin your pictures and videos, Oscar!

Yes, spring has definitely come here in Bonnie Scotland, but not so warm this week I am afraid! Sun is shining though! Yay!

We spotted house martins the other day and that is very early for up here!

love and licks Marv xxxxxx

Toby said...

Wow, that's a great place!! I love chewing on sticks too. Not quite the sticks that you chew....smaller ones.


Tansy said...

Ah, Oscar, what a Lovely Day!

I did not know Airedales liked stalking birds. I quite enjoy stalking American Robins as they are looking for Worms.


Asta said...

Oscar, what a very lucky puppy you are to live in such a gloriouses place..I bet heaven is like that..that's where my brudder and sister are , playing soccer and tennis..I think chewy sticks must be the best..but I love the pretty flowers too...I don't think spring will ever get's still cold and drizzly, and the flowers that showed up, mostly froze..the planet seems to be in a mess..and it wasn't terriers that messed it up. I love seeing you makes me feel good to see you so happy, you dollface, kisses Asta

Suki & Joey said...

I like how long your fur is getting; it makes you look cool!

I like that sticky store, too. It looks like a little bridge!

Puggy kisses

Chelsea said...

Oscar - I just LOVE that last photo of you. So adorable.

The weather is lovely in Canada as well! We are supposed to be having a great warm weekend.

Lots of walkies...YAY


Rachael said...

Oscar you old stick hound you! I think you are as obsessed about sticks as Moxie is with tennis balls. A singular fixation. But at least you have clean teeth!

Myeo said...

Wonder who dug the hole? Could it be Miss

Boy n Baby

Urban Smoothie Read said...

it seems like ur so interested wit those stick...

Fu Fu said...

Hey Oscar, you look so happy saying ahhh there. What a giant stick you found. Must be yummy for you to chew it.

~ fufu

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hello Oscar!
Wow.. those flowers are lovely!! Heheh.. did you manage to catch a pigeon or two?

Joe Stains said...

Tanner would LOVE that sticky store, except it was by all that water :(

Amber-Mae said...

Oh a stick! Now that looks fun!!! And errr.. did you dig that whole in the dirt all by yourself? Wow, not bad. I can't do that coz mommy cut all my nails off till nothing left!!! Aggghhh!!!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Cash said...

You are the KING of the Stick!!!
WOW....that is awesome.
Hey....we have the same cartoon posted on our blog...neat!!
Jasper & Jack

Sophie Brador said...

You have the best life Oscar! Water, sticks, chasing vermin ... what dog could ever want more?

Deanna said...

That was quite the adventure! You are a stickaholic!

Sharon said...

That sure looks like a fun day! No wonder you are so tired.

Peanut said...

those sticks looked really good. I like sticks to so does Flash.