Hello to you all! So I won the Awesome Blog poll alongside handsome Spanish senor Verdi! Congrats to you Verdi, and also to Gus for winning featured blog!
But that wasn't the only good thing to happen on Saturday, oh no! Guess which handsome young Airedale passed his Gold obedience award? Yes siree, I did it FINALLY! Woo hoo! It was dad who eventually got me through. I actually ended up doing about a 7 - 8 minute sit, as the first time we got a couple of minutes in and some man came slamming through the door of the hall where we have class and me and the other dog who was doing the test jumped a mile. Dad got me settled again almost immediately but Jasmine took another minute to settle again. When we got to about 4 1/2 minutes the stoopid man came back in again, but dad said "sit!" really firmly so I thought I'd better keep my cute little bottom on the floor. I will get my certificate at my Wednesday obedience class so I'll make sure to get a photo of it for you. Mum and I thought that was the end of the award scheme, but Tracey who runs the club told us that she has just finished putting together a Platinum award, so now we're going to give that a try (gulp!). I enjoy class and we were going to keep going anyway, so we may as well keep my brain active learning even more obedience.
The rest of Saturday's class was agility as usual. Mum didn't think we had the camera (though it was actually in my bag), so there are no videos or photos. We did weaves, tunnel, dog walk, tyre, 2 jumps then collapsible tunnel to finish and I did pretty well. I have definitely got my balance much better on the dog walk now and don't scramble up it in an ungainly fashion.
In the afternoon we went for a nice walk, and I found a funny yellow ring on my fields. At first I was very unsure what to make of it.
I was being cautious rather than wimpish, OK? That thing could have been dangerous. You can see how you could get your legs caught in it. I sniffed it, but it didn't smell of much.
I decided to claim it as my own after deciding it was quite safe and could actually be good fun to play with. I carried it some of the way home, but it got hard work so lovely mum carried it the rest of the way. She's so well trained!
The rest of the weekend was pretty much a wash out - it's still raining torrentially here if you can believe it. The risk of more flooding up where grandma and mum's friend live has subsided a little which I'm sure is a relief for everyone in those areas. Here it is more of a nuisance than anything. I don't get to hang around and sniff or leave pee mail as much on walks as I get marched round quicker than normal, and our house is like a laundry with clothes drying everywhere. This would be a good thing if the socks were within my grasp, but sadly they are well out of reach. Please come out soon sun!
Oscar x
Congratulations Oscar on your successes! You are one clever Pup you know!
I can see I have lots to catch up on, so will take another look at your Blog Later. You Awesome Dude!
love and licks, Marvin xxxxx
Congrats on not only being an Awesome Dog, but also for being so obedient. Hope you got lots of treats!
The FleasGang
WOW Oscar!
Good news after good news!
So congrats on you winning the award and passing your Gold Obedience award!!!!
You look really cute with that ring! Did you think that mum threw the ring and wanna play fetch? hehehe
oscar, why didn't you spin the hoola hoop? i thought you wanna be in shape when i saw the hoop! hehe.
wet wet licks
Hey Oscar,
WOW CONGRATS on passing your gold
ob award and on the blog award.
Love and Licks
Texas (and his humans).
Félicitations mon Oscar pour tous ces 1er prix ! Tu es vraiment le meilleur.... L'obédience et l'agility c'est ok mais pour le houla-hoop (le cerceau en plastique) c'est pas encore gagné ! Gros bisous, Ta Faya
Congrats!!! You have a lot to celebrate!
MAJOR congratulations are in order Oscar - first for the bloggy award and secondly for your gold obedience award! A job well done on both counts!
Love ya lots,
Congrats Oscar!!! You so totally rock it!! Wow, two awards?? Your mom & dad must be so proud of yah!
Yikes, in the first video, it looks like the yellow ring has a mind of its own and it trying to run you over. It was kinda scary!
Hi, Oscar
Congratulations!!! You received two big awards! Of course you worked hard for them and you deserved them!!
Sounds like a windy day there, right?
Enjoy your hula-hula or yellow ring.
Have a nice day
Congratulations Oscar! You earned it all - you rock!
Nanook and Pooka
Congrats on your blog award Oscar!!! I am super happy for you. Ok, I think your mum should teach you how to hula hoop!!! That would be awesome!!!
Congrats - Golden Obedience Award
Can't wait to see the picture of you getting your certificate...
Awesome Blog... too
What a GREAT weekend......
Wow so much has changed. Who'd thunk you'd win an obedience award?
Just teasing you.
It's good to be back
WOO-HOO, goooooooooo Airedales!!!
Nice work on the obedience award AND of course the Awesome Blog Award!!!
Special treats all around...
WAY to go Oscar~I knew you would do it.
Kisses and slurps
Wow Oscar you had a banner weekend didn't you...awesome blog & your gold certificate! Congratulations!!! Woo! Excellent work.
Lots of Licks, Ruby
ooh congrats!! I dont know about that big plastic ring, it is DEFINITELY something to be cautious of!
Congratulations on your big win!! That is a real honor..and well deserved :)
I hope you can get some dry warm weather soon. Squishy muddy walks are no fun (I don't like getting my feet wet).
Congrats to you Oscar!
Actually I'm very scared of hoola hoops too... Mommy's trying to coax me to go into it again & again but I refuse to! I just find the hoola hoop scawie coz it's surrounding me when I enter it. Uuugh!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hey Oscar,
Congrats on your two BIG wins!!! :) You sure are one smart doggy.
A knight hood next I think. Congratulations.
Simba xx
Oh Oscar, I am so very proud of your achievements (and ashamed by my lack of it!!)...
You are sure a smart little dude.
Btw, yes. the shape on one of the cookie cutters is Airedale but the mail will take too long to reach you if not, I would really like to share some of the cookies with you.
Well done Oscar! Congrats on the awesome blog award and gold obedience award!
Congratulations Oscar. U R mighty good!
I think that stoopid man is trying to get you in trouble. Thank goodness your dad is quick to make U sit still.
Oh, go for the platinum. I'm sure U can make it!!!
Congratulations on your award! My dad just got back from the UK (or at least the England and Scotland parts) and loved the weather. He says he will trade you NOW! for your rain. It is to be 112 degrees here today. Sheesh
Congratulations, Oscar! What a smart guy you are to pass that test. I would have jumped AND ran away when that guy slammed the door!
Big Wags,
WOW! Lots of congratulations are in order Oscar!! Way to go on the Gold award. You must have been practicing very hard. And Congrats too on the pAwesome Blog Award. You're very deserving!
Sherman, Penny & Lola
Congratulations Oscar!! That's pawesome on you awesome blog award. You deserve it!!
Boy, you were one lucky dog to find that new toy. Looks like fun!!
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Oscar, you always find the most fascinating things on your walkies!!! But it's good to be cautious at first - you never know what might be out there!
Congrats on you GOLD!!! Woot!
Who needs nice weather when you have all those shimmering prizes?
Congrats on all your awards.
Congrats on winning the Awesome Blog Award, Oscar! You deserve it!
Your pal, Mackie
Frenchie Snorts
congratulations on your wonderful awards, oscar!!! you are on very talented chap! and your blog is so cool, it's no wonder you got the awesome blog award!
i am very honored to be your friend!!! coco
Way to go On the awesome blog!
Oh.. Oscar, congrates on winning the awesome blog award and on passing the Gold obedience award
~ girl girl
Congrates!!.. checked yr blog..and it sure deserve the awesome blog award winner title!!...
Golden Rossi
YAY congrats oscar :]
you drool! i mean RULE :] hehehhe
your a very smart doggie :]
Congratulations - Double congratulations!
We think you are very impressive with the hula hoop!
We would love to see girl girl jump thru it!
Congrats on the awesome award. You deserve it. Shame you have to share mind hehe.
Ruffs Pippa
Huge Congratulations to you on getting yout GOLD award! What a wonderful accomplishment! And good on you for staying sat through that distraction! I'm very happy for you!
Hey Oscar
Boy n Baby
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