The life and times of an English Airedale Terrier puppy

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Foodie Fun

Now, if you are squeamish you may not want to read this post!

OK, so mum went shopping to stock up the freezer with lots of lovely meat for meeeee! As she was bagging it all up ready for the freezer I thought it would be a good competition to see if you can guess my favourite meals.

There will be a prize for the winner who can guess the meals (not some of my juicy bones alas) so get your thinking caps on!

1) OK, here's the first one. Should be quite easy I think.

2) This is the same animal as before, but a different part.

3) This isn't a bone, it's offal (which is offaly tasty, hehehe!)

4) This is more of a treat than a meal, but can you guess what it is?

5) Mmm, this is my second favourite.

6) This is fairly obvious. This is probably the main one that Fat sister Flakes the cat would like to steal!

7) This is a new discovery of tasty meal time treats, but it is certainly delicious.

8) This is my all time most favourite dinner EVER! Even though it's a big piece of meat I can eat it in about 20 minutes bone and all!

Hopefully you are all hungry now rather than grossed out by the raw meatiness of my diet!

Good luck, and may the best doggy win!


Oscar x


Amber-Mae said...
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Amber-Mae said...

Oh oh! I'm the 1st one to answer! GREAT!!!

1st- Chicken drumstick & the other one chicken breast, I think...

2nd- Chicken wings! Mmmm-mmm, I think I'm beginning to droooooool...

3rd- What's that??? Chicken heart. I hope I'm right.

4th- Oink oink ear... hahaha!

5th- Looks like a beef spine bone or maybe a knuckle or joint.

6th- Fishy fish! Looks like Salamander... Wait! Is Salamander edible??? Or is it mini Tuna? It's still FISH anyway...

7th- Beef or lamb ribs. Well, whatever it is, it's RIBS! Definitely...

8th- Looks like the chicken's flat chest. Looks meatless to me...

Okay okay! I HOPE I win this time...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Simba and Jazzi said...

1. chicken drum stick
2. chicken wings.
3. heart
4. pigs ear
5.ox tail
7.pork belly????
8. lamb shank

I can't eat raw meat, I don't chew it well and then I choke.

Simba xx

Ferndoggle said...

I am totally drooling!!! Who would find this gross????

Here are my guesses:

1. chicken drum & back
2. chicken wings
3 heart (looks kind of small for beef...maybe lamb)
4. piggy ears
5. ox tails
7. turkey necks
8. lambie shank

Off to eat breakfast!!


Dandy Duke said...

We'll see how I do:

1. Chicken thigh and leg
2. chicken wing
3. beef heart
4. pork back - okay, I know it's pork at least!
5. ox tail
6. yes, it's fish - mackeral???
7. turkey neck?
8. chicken breast

I wasn't grossed out at all!

Love ya lots,

Tadpole said...

Oh, my girl didn't like looking at that and won't let me look either because she thinks I will demand to be fed that and she refuses to touch raw meat in any shape or form. Isn't she EVIL?!

Peanut said...

Look at all that stuff. Yum Yum I need to come for a visit. I'm not even going to guess since all the guesses are so good.

Anonymous said...

Wow Oscar... you are one lucky man to have all of that yummy looking food just given to you!!!

Toby said...

Ok, Mom isn't even gonna try to name the meats cuz besides chicken and steak, she is clueless. (She doesn't cook u see.....)


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

J1 & J2 are both vegetarians so they aren't even going to attempt this quiz! Good luck to every other dog though! J X

Unknown said...

Hi Oscar,

1. Chicken drumstick and thigh! I'm a leg man too... ohhhh chicken thighsssss!
2. Chicken wings
3. Heart-Lamb?
4. Miss Piggy's ear
5. Ox tail
6. Fish!
7. Lamb ribs
8. Lamb Shank!

How'd i do? What a great topic you decided to blog about today!!


Asta said...

Oscar, that looks pwetty yummy, although I've never aever tased any of them I'll twy to guess, hewe goew
1-chicken thigh and dwumstick
2-chicken wings
4-yummy pork rind
5-a beefy neck??
6-that's too easy, a fishy
7-countwy style wibs
8-lamb shank
hope you have a gweat time eating them all, miammm, miammm
smoochie kisses

wally said...

Oscar. Mmmmm. That looks SO GOOD. I didn't know you were a BARFER. We're new to it. I don't know if I could improve on the guesses--I think Tofu may have gotten it!

What kinds of fishies do you get? We have not yet tried fishes raw but the ma ape is steeling herself to be brave and give it up!


Billy (YES Casanova!!!) said...

I think mom realizes why she isn't feeding me raw meat yet haha...

Okay guessing game:

1. Chicken (my favorite cooked)
2. Chicken wings
3. Beef heart??
4. Not sure?
5. Not sure either...(not doing so well are we?)
6. Fish!
7. Turkey necks?
8. Looks like chicken again...

BIG hugs from Billy Boo:)

Putter said...


Plenty of MEAT in your freezer for sure! MEAT is the BESTEST right:)!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Sir Chance-Lot said...

oooo this is fun
1.chicken drumsticks
2.chicken wings
4.defiantly a piggie part
5.that thingy...what is it..a round bone lamb shank?
8.yeah lamb shank? Or some chicken thingy

Boo Casanova said...

since i'm not the first doggie to answer, i have the advantage! here's my guess:

1. chicken drumstick and back
2. chicken wings
3. heart - lamb/beef
4. pig ear (never seen pig ear before so i just copy other's answer)
5. definitely oxtail (i love this)
6. fish
7. neck - turkey (i have never seen turkey neck before but i know it's definitely neck, can't be chicken coz chicken neck doesn't look as long)
8. lamb shank (sunshade loves this!)

wet wet licks


Lorenza said...

Hi, Oscar.
There is no chance for me to answer that because I don't know some of them. I can only recognize the chicken parts! (So obvious!)
But sure you are very lucky to eat all of them!
I need to talk about it with my mom!
Have a good night

Gigi, Slurpee, Nachos and Murrey said...

Wow Oscar...that sure is alot of meat for you.


Nugget said...

Hi Oscar, I think I spotted a piggy ear?

Amber said...

Ho Oscar, I'm gonna join the fun too!! So many meat =p

1) Chicken drumpstick
2)Chicken wings
3)Brain from lamb..
4)Pig's ear
6) Mackerel tail
7)Neck from turkey?
8)lamb shank

Myeo said...

Lucky thing we didnt join in the game cos Mama is clueless about all this. She only cooked beef, chicken n duck for us.

Boy n Baby

Gwyn Valentine said...

I am late for the game!
I love DRUMS!

Faya said...

Je veux venir chez toi pour manger tout ça........
Bisous, ta Faya