The life and times of an English Airedale Terrier puppy

Monday, March 19, 2007

Fun In The Fields

As the weathermen are predicting snow today (it's certainly got a lot colder today, brr), I thought we better go for big walk yesterday to make the most of the mild weekend weather.

When we got to the fields I had a look around to see if anyone was about or if anything interesting was going on.

I smelt something across the field so went to investigate. I don't know what had been there but it smelled good. I had a little diggy dig to see if I could find it.

You might want to turn the sound down on this video as the wind is LOUD! I couldn't find anything despite my best efforts. I think it may have been a rabbit Marvin!

I thought I better have a good scout around the fields to make sure there were no more critters hiding out.

I'm on your trail rabbits, you're not going to get away from me!

I did my best stalking to try & creep up on the unsuspecting bunnies.

I had to concentrate hard to stay on the trail.

Darn it, I lost them.

Ah well, another day maybe. I decided I was ready to play. Come on mum & dad, let's go & play now!

I found a glove to play with, but you know what? It wasn't nearly as much fun as it was that time in the snow when I played with mum's glove for ages, remember?

I decided to play fetch with dad instead. Can you see how quiet the fields are? There are LOADS of doggies that live in my neighbourhood, but seemingly none of them get big walks or runs on the fields too often as they always seem deserted. All the better for me I guess, though it would be nice to have some friends to romp about with sometimes.

I used to enjoy having dad throw the ball (not mum so much as she's pathetic at throwing the ball), & loved to chase it, but I wasn't so bothered about bringing it back. Well, I figure if the stoopid hoomans threw it, why should I do their dirty work & carry it back.

However, now I am a mature 9 month old, I have realised that if you bring it back you a) get treats and praise b) get to run again c) get more treats & praise. I think you can see where I'm going here.
First I had to do a bit of warm up though, bounding about like a spring lamb.

Whee, here I come.

OK, now throw the ball, throw the ball, throw the ball!!!

Yay, look what a clever boy I am bringing my ball back dad.

Better get that treat ready dad, cos I'm a comin'

I'm even getting good at dropping it right away rather than standing there chewing it.

Come on dad, again, again!

This is what I tend to do if mum throws the ball hehehe. Dad is just the best, what can I say?

Of course, we couldn't go home without me having to pose for the paparazzi! I'm kind of used to it now, so posed nicely. Here's my profile shot complete with sticky up ear!

3/4 profile of me, looking a bit wistful here. I was daydreaming about Faya.

I thought I'd give mum a cheesy grin.

Argh, a sudden gust of wind meant I was not looking my best! Ah well, I kept smiling through like a true pro.

It was a really fun afternoon. Sorry for the photo overload!

Oscar x


Rossi2009 said...

Hi Oscar! Did your mum try scrunching the tunnel up until it was kind of like jumping through a tire? If she makes it a nice shorty tunnel for you I bet you'll have no problem going through it! Then she can stretch it out as you get more comfy!

Maggie said...

guess what ?, i dont bring the ball back ether . you looked like you were haveing fun , too bad there wernt any other dogs to play with

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh I liked your pictures today Oscar, especially the video of you digging for the rabbit!!

We often notice where we walk there are lots of open spaces, but we do not meet very many dogs.

Jeannie says her favourite sight, is to see a dog running free with the wind in his/her ears!!!!

I didn't used to bring the ball back either, but I do now, but I get fed up after a while. ooooops sorry this is a long comment!

love and licks Marvin (a wee bit of snow but sun is out now and its all gone but very very cold wind! xxxx

Simba and Jazzi said...

Did you find a rabbit? You can have mine. Its cold here, we had hail, but no snow.

Simba xx

Bogart H. Devil said...

Cool photos Oscar!!!! The digging video was great, I can really relate to that one... maybe you'll get a rabbit before I get a gopher!


Faya said...

Oscar j'admire ta technique pour creuser des trous. Elle est pas mal non plus. Et j'adore te voir courir les oreilles au vent, tu es tellement beau. Je suis contente que tu ais eu un beau week-end. Tu as vu que notre Maggie a reçu un petit frère ? Il est tout mignon ! Bisous, ta Faya

Tansy said...

Ah, Oscar, do you not love to run in the fields? That is my favorite pastime. Even if you find no small critters it is delightful to search. Perhaps when the weather is warmer you will meet more dogs.

I too love the wind in your ears; that last photograph may be my favorite!


Dandy Duke said...

Don't apologize for photos! We love them all! I love the video of you on the bunny trail!

Love ya lots,

Liberty Doo Dah said...

Great pictures Oscar! I like the last one best! I LOVE bringing the ball and frisbee back. However, I don't like giving it back to mum too often! Gotta keep her on her toes!

Headgirl said...

As ever great pic's. Loved the last profiles ones especailly, just makes me want to reach out & stroke you..
You'd love my bunny park, I can see three for you to chase as I type this!

Pats & pets as always
Be good!

Cash said...

Hey Oscar....Dude, don't apologize for lots of photos....we love them!!! YAY...they were great too!!
It looked like you had so much fun in the fields. Glad you got to go before the bad weather.

The Airechicks said...


GREAT PICS make it look so fun ... We think you did have a wonderful time out there with Mum and Dad and nobody to get in the way or slow you down....

We agree with Liberty ---we like the last pic the best .....

Pippin, the Gentle Pup said...

Boy Oscar, it sure looks like you had a grand time. Did you get snow? We got snow yesterday and today. I like it, but my people are sure tired of it.

You are pretty cute--I like it with your ears up!

See ya

Joe Stains said...

you can never post too many photos! we love them all, you are so handsome!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

fun time @ d park??

nice pic u had there...

Fu Fu said...

Hey Oscar, woh it's just you at the fields. It looks like a great place to play. Did you find the bunny? I love that last pic where your ears stick up. Hee.. You look real cute. ;)

~ fufu

Bentley and Niko said...

Hi Oscar!

You are good at the fetch thing. I used too be good, but now Niko takes whatever I have so I gave up unless she's busy and were at the park. I even can catch a frisbee if I feel like it! I like all your pictures, that park looks fun!

Rachael said...

Oh Oscar! You're so handsome!

Rachel said...

Wow - looks like you were having lots of fun there Oscar!

Rachel said...

Oh, and well done for fetching the ball! I fetch everything but it's not a big deal being a retriever and all! Hee hee!

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

JJ & Derby - Thanks for the tip, we'll give it a try

Maggie - I know, I bet you'd play nice with me wouldn't you?

Marvin - I'll let you know if I catch the rabbit!

Simba - We had snow & hail, but only for 5 minutes at a time

Bogart - The challenge is on!!!

Faya - Je vais creuser un tunnel pour venir te visiter!

Tansy - Yep, so many new sights & smells, it's great fun

Maggie - Bunnies are slightly better than squirrels, but not much

Liberty - You sound like me. Any toy is a potential tuggy toy!

Blue - Think you could sneak a few of those bunnies in your suitcase?

Jasper - I did have fun. Next stop, the beach

Lita & Trish - The goofy face look seems to be working for all the girlies!

Pippin - It only snowed for about ten minutes, boo

Joe - I'm going to get big headed with all these compliments

Pacco - REALLY fun time at the park

Fufu - Nope, the bunny got away

Bentley & Niko - I have a fribee but I'm pretty useless at catching it

Rachael - Thanks *blush*

Toby - Yeah, I bet you could show me how to do a really decent "fetch"

Oscar x

Suki & Joey said...

LOL! I love that last pic of you, Oscar. That's the cutest :)
I am very impressed that you can fetch. Twix won't even do it, and he's a lab!

Puggy kisses

Boo Casanova said...

look at you oscar, the ear flying photo. you look sooooo funny!

wet wet licks


Sophie Brador said...

You better be careful, Oscar. Sometimes those rabbits are dangerous. Run away! Run away! Didn't you learn anything from Monty Python?

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

I like tug the best - you don't have to "bring back"

Bussie Kissies

Loui (and his mum!) said...

My ears flap in the wind when I run too! Mum says I look like the flying nun or the Red Baron!

Loui xx

Chelsea said...

Never apologize for photo overload, there is no such thing. This coming from a supermodel.

You remind me of Elmer Fudd...hunting rabbits only you are way cuter.


Nugget said...

Hi Oscar, I would love to come and play in that giant field of yours. It's looks like so much fun! That last picture of you was funny!
Peanutbuttery Licks,

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Suki - Ooh, that is a bit unusual for a Lab like Twix I must say!

Boo - Thanks!

Sophie - Ooh, I haven't seen Monty Python. Better check it out

Buster - Yeah, tuggy is a great gane isn't it?

Loui - Hahaha! And your ears are even bigger than mine for extra flapping

Chelsea - Elmer Fudd, like it!

Nugget - Wow, the ladies really love the sticky up ears!


Myeo said...

We like the last photo of you with your ears standing up like that.

Boy n Baby

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