The life and times of an English Airedale Terrier puppy

Thursday, February 15, 2007

What Do You Call A Dinosaur With No Eyes?

A "Do-you-think-he-saw-us!" Hehehehehehe

Yep, this was me posing with my new toys that mum bought me at the weekend (they were 4 for £5 - bargain!). A few minutes later & Mr Dinosaur was minus an eye. Doctor dad performed emergency opthalmic surgery but the eye I damaged could not be saved, & dad thought it was better to remove the other eye for cosmetic purposes. His eyes are all sewn up nicely now, but dad says the stiches are NOT to be removed!

I also got this cool tuggie. The food looks impressive, but it's plastic, not real burgers like Bogart gets.

A cool banana frisbee-type affair. These little guy's days with eyes are numbered!

A weird dinosaur egg thing. His egg body has a tennis ball in so he bounces madly all over the place & is great fun to chase!

My alien toy from Christmas also had a surgery appointment as his brains were coming out of his (now empty) eye sockets. Nice!

Excellent, I can now do this to him again! Tuggieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Oscar x


Simba and Jazzi said...

Lots of new toys, you lucky dog. I wonder how long they will last.

Simba xx

Cash said...

hahaha wooooof woooof that joke was funny, my Momma is still laughing and my Sissy liked it too.
You got a LOT of toys and I can tell you love them. KEWL

Suki & Joey said...

Lucky you! Look at all those toys! Boy, you really hate their eyes, huh? I hate fur. Any toy that has fur, I have to pull it all off! I'm not sure how much 5 pounds (or is it euro?I don't have the sign on my keyboard, sorry) is in dollars, but that sounds like a bargain!

Boo Casanova said...

oh oscar, i love the banana tug of war.

i'm coming over to play tug of war with you!

wet wet licks


jaffeboy said...

U R one lukcy chap, Oscar. What's with all the new toys? Valentine's gift from Mommy?

Anonymous said...

C'est les yeux le meilleur. Je commence aussi toujours par là. Sauf notre petit cochon, je vais faire attention... Bisous mon Oscar

Bogart H. Devil said...

Wow, those are COOOOOOL toys!

If we ever get together, I promise to take you out for a burger... come on over to Los Angeles, we'll hit Rally Burger together!!!


Tansy said...

Ah, Oscar, you are most fortunate to have an "in-house" doctor for the plush toys! Certain younger members of my flock share your enthusiasm. My people must safeguard two special toys for Renzo and myself, lest they be eviscerated by the others.

Fierce dinosaurs are best blind, however.


Kevin the Collie said...

You know, I never play with toys but I have my eye on the one that looks like burgers and hot dogs. You are a lucky dog!!
Kevin the Collie

Fu Fu said...

Haa. Oscar, that's so funny. So now that Mr "Do-you-think-he-saw-us" can't see.. er.. do you help him around the house? Nice toys you have. :)

~ fufu

Chelsea said...

I have tons of toys too. I love them and never chew them. Sometimes I whip them around and beat them up and the stuffing comes out but, I bring it to Mama right away and she performs emergency surgery and if she can't they go to stuffy heaven in the big black garbage can.


Sharon said...

HA!! You have the right idea ripping eyes out of the eye sockets and pulling the brains through. Snickers rips off the eyes, shakes till dead, then eviserates.

Huskee and Hershey said...

Wow.. that's a lot of toys!! I like the Banana one.. it's real cute! I have a favourite Elmo toy and he is missing his eyes too.. hiak hiak..

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Simba - Apart from eyes, I look after my toys pretty well

Jasper - Glad you liked my joke!

Suki - Ooh, you'll have to give me some fuer-pulling tips, sounds like fun

Boo - Let's play tuggie!

Jaffe - Yep, mummy LOVES me

Faya - Mmmm, les yeux (sauf du cochon bien sûr)

Bogart - Yay, burgers. Drool, drool

Butchy & Snickers - This was bonus time as normally I don't get presents

Tansy - Doctor dad is the best surgeon in town

Kevin - I know I am lucky. I do appreciate the new toys & have played with them lots

FuFu - Yeah, I help him round the house by flinging him about

Chelsea - You are such a good girl

Sharon - It's just eyes for me, not bothered about trying to kill the squeaker etc

Huskee Boy - The banana boys still have all their eyes - miracle!

Oscar x

Dandy Duke said...

Your mom was very nice to buy you all those toys! My favorite has to be the hamburg and hotdog tug one. Can I come over and we can tug together?

Love ya lots,

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Maggie - Yeah, as long as you're not too strong! I like to win occasionally.

Oscar x

Myeo said...

New Toys! Lucky you!

Boy n Baby

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