The life and times of an English Airedale Terrier puppy

Monday, February 12, 2007


You know I said in my last post that Aunty Kim was cleaning out the garage & that's why her & Paddy couldn't come play in the snow? Well, seems mum was right & she was setting up her grooming table for me!

This was how my Saturday morning began. Dad put me up on the table so I wouldn't wriggle so much while he combed out my legs before I had a shower. They were really tangled up from getting so wet over the last few days playing in the snow. Does that look like a happy face to you?

Once that torture had finished it was straight upstairs to be dumped unceremoniously in the bath. Now I have to admit I don't actually mind having a bath per se, I just don't like being clean and smelling of shampoo. And I especially don't like dad aiming the shower hose at my butt. What is he doing back there???

This is the stoopid girlie shampoo mum makes me use as she says it smells all nice like baby powder. I don't want to smell like a baby, I was to smell like a handsome young chap. Can't she get something like "C K9" or "Tommy Holedigger" so I can smell all rugged & manly. The bottle even has two cutesie-pie girlie puppies on it & says "Molly & Daisy, beauty queens" for pete's sake. See my not impressed face.

This has to be the No 1 most unflattering photo EVER! I look like a scawie monster!

After my bath mum went out to get her nails done. She goes every 2 weeks & always has pretty patterns on her nails. Today she got some Valentine hearts, aww.
Once she was back, off we went to Aunty Kim's house. Now I have to admit that I was a little bit worried about getting my hair cut by her because she has 3 poodles, and beautiful as they are, I didn't think I'd suit a poodle top knot. Mum assured me that she had given Aunty Kim a step by step guide that she found on the internet & she would stay with me the whole time. That made me feel a bit better, and going to Aunty Kims has to be better than going to the grooming parlour again.
I was a bit unsure of the table at first as it seemed a bit small for me. But I was a good boy & stood very still, so Aunty Kim didn't have to use the harness.
She did my back and tail first. It felt a bit tickly, but not too bad at all. Her clippers were nice & quiet, and mum was giving me treats, bonus!
Next she moved onto my head & face. She did this shorter than my back. It was a bit tickly, but she said I had to stand really still so I didn't lose my eyebrows, eek!

She clipped carefully all around my ears, and inside them. The had been getting a bit itchy as they were furry inside, but they're much better now. Dad kept having to give me ear rubs, so he should now be relieved of that duty for a while!

Here I am just checking with mum that she's keeping a tab on things & that I'm still looking handsome. She assured me that all was well.

Woah, that's a lot of fuzz. I'm glad the snow has gone or I'd be f-f-f-freezing.

Part way through, mum & Kim had a tea break. How am I looking? Kim still has my legs & underside to do.

I love Aunty Kim. I'm glad that she is learning how to groom me so I don't have to go to the groooming parlour any more. Uncle Charlie is fitting out the garage for her so she'll have a proper set up next time I come with a bath, grooming table, drier, etc. The walls are going to be tiled & it'll be very fancy. I guess when you have 3 poodles to groom you're spending a lot of time out here so need somewhere nice!

Here Aunty Kim has brushed out all my leg hair. She said I have quite a few places where the hair is short or even a bit bald, & that my beard was the same. Mum said it's because I eat the big white rawhide chew sticks, which I hold between my paws and gnaw on, & all the gunk gets really stuck in my beard & legs. Mum said "right, no more of those chewies so your hair can grown back nicely!!!". Any ideas for non gunky chews you guys?

Nearly done now & feeling a lot more relaxed & happy. Aunty Kim was pretty nervous about messing up as she had never cut an Airedale before, but mum kept saying she was doing good, and do I not look like a satisfied customer?

Just my back legs & tail to finish off now. Sunshade , I have to tell you that my "muscle butt" that you so admired was infact all hair from the weird way the lady at the groomers cut my back legs last time! My black saddle is coming through nicely now though.

My cute butt!

Freedom! I finally get to have a run around in Aunty Kim's garden (see, the poodles aren't allowed on their lawn either - they have mean parents too!). This wicker pig's ears weren't as tasty as the pigs ears mum buys me!

I think Aunty Kim did a really good job. She said I was a really good boy to stand so still & stand, sit, turn etc when she wanted me to. I have a show in a fortnight, so she's going to give me a quick tidy up that morning, and you know what? I think I'll actually qute enjoy coming back. Especially as the "Poodle Parlour" should all be finished by then!
Oscar x


Boo Casanova said...

handsome oscar. your get your hair done before the big V day huh!

wet wet licks


Suki & Joey said...

You look great, Oscar! I love the scary picture of you, LOL! I personally would love to have that shampoo, but I can understand why it's a little too girly for a handsome stud like yourself. I don't know of any non-sticky bones. My mom usually buys milkbones for me. Oh, but she does buy Iams Denta-chews or something like that for my older lab bro and he loves them. Stay clean, now!
Puggy kisses!

Pippin, the Gentle Pup said...

Boy, good thing you didn't get the poodle cut. You're awfully generous to let the people do that much grooming on you. I would never ever stand for that much grooming.

You look very handsome, though, so I guess it paid off after all.

See ya

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Boo - Oh yes, got to look my best for my girl Faya!

Suki - I'll mail you the shampoo with pleasure!

Pippin - You are lucky not to need regular hair cuts!

Oscar x

Anonymous said...

Oh Oscar ta photo dans la baignoire. Quelle horreur. Tu DOIS porter plainte contre ce monstrueux paparazzi. Par contre avec ta nouvelle coupe tu es magnifique et waouh mon coeur fait boum boum.... bisous mon Oscar

Loui (and his mum!) said...

Oh my! Don't you look handsome Oscar...I would chase you myself but *cough* I am a boy too you see! Your aunt cut your hair really nicely!

Loui xx

Hammer said...

Hi Oscar

Your auntie did a great job with your grooming.

Mum is learning how to groom us too. She bought a set of Wahl clippers and this looks like what your auntie used. Mum has finally found a dog groomer who is going to tell her the basics of using clippers and blades etc. She keeps putting off grooming us because she doesn't have much confidence, and we're real happy with this. Though, just like you, we do look a lot better after we're groomed. Mum had a bad experience with a dog groomer so she wouldn't trust one again to groom any of us. Also, Rose has had some bad experiences with grooming before she came to live with us.

Rose told me to tell you she thinks you look very handsome.

Love from your friend, Hammer

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hiya Oscar,
Guess you have a hot date for V-Day that's why you have to get your hair cut huh?!! Don't worry, your aunty Kim did a great job!

Chelsea said...

That's quite the impressive butt you have for a male.

Ahem, er, um, not that I noticed.


Joe Stains said...

you look GREAT! Is that a real dog you are sniffing in that last pic or a toy?!

Sophie Brador said...

You sure get to stand on the table a lot. I'm not very envious of the bath and hair cut, but I sure would like to stand on the table.

Fu Fu said...

Oscar, you look so handsome now. Hee. you're so funny on the girly shampoo. So you all nice smelling now?

~ fufu

Simba and Jazzi said...

Theres enough fur there to make another you. You look very smart.

Simba xx

Cash said...

You look mahhhvelous!!! If you find any of that shampoo called Tommy Holedigger, let me know...I'd love to tell Momma about it!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Oscar j'ai reçu ton paquet ! MERCI MON CHERI ! Maintenant je suis TON amoureuse....Je te fais plein plein de gros gros bisous, Ta Faya
De Véronique : ma Faya est toute rouge maintenant...

jaffeboy said...

Nice do Oscar. U R lucky to get such great groomer. I don't know about the shampoo thou. It does look/smell abit "girlie".

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Faya - Je suis très heureux que le cadeau est arrivé, est que tu m'aime encore apres avoir vu le photo horrifique! XXX

Loui - You can still chase me, I won't mind

Hammer - Just tell mum it's only hair & will soon grow back.

Huskee - Yeah, hot dream date with Faya!

Chelsea - How could you help but notice when I was poking my sexy butt at right at you all?!

Joe - It's a wicker piggy, that's why I said it's ears weren't too tasty

Sophie - I don't know why, but somehow I know I have to behave when getting groomed

FuFu - Yeah, I smell like baby powder, GREAT!

Simba - That's what mum thought too, an Oscar clone

Jasper - You can get that scent for doggies, look here

Jaffeboy - I know I am lucky. Aunty Kim is the best!

Oscar x

fee said...

dear oscar,

thanks for visiting! i am well and thankfully, have escaped the anticipated smacking. mom eventually found out from the vet that what i had eaten was some sort of live culture tablets, so it's like drinking many bottles of yakult/vitagen at one go!

was the haircut for a special outing? you know, it's valentine's day here already! happy valentine's day!


Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Snickers - Yeah, I had to get spruced up I guess. Thanks so much for the Valentine card!

Fee - Phew, glad you are OK. I guess you'll be super healthy now then!

Oscar x

Myeo said...

You look Handsome! Aunty Kim did a a great job!

Boy n Baby

Dandy Duke said...

Your hairecut looks GREAT Oscar!!! Mom came home from Florida and told me that I had to have one and guess what - today was the day. But I do feel so much better, don't you?

Love ya lots,

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Boy & Baby - I'll tell Aunty Kim you approve!

Maggie - I suppose. Sorry I made you get groomed though.

Oscar x