The life and times of an English Airedale Terrier puppy

Saturday, January 06, 2007

My Christmas Presents


Well between eating socks, washing up sponges & having operations, I still hadn't had the chance to show you all my Christmas presents. I actually got quite a lot despite mum & dad's earlier threats to tell Santa Paws not to bring me so many after the bundle I got from my Puppy Class Christmas Party. Good old Santa Paws, I knew he'd realise what a good boy I'd been & bring me some.

This stocking was from Aunty Clare, mum's little sister. The rawhide shoe lasted a few seconds! Mum took the other treats to Kim & Charlie's dogs as most treats give me a bad tummy. Not fair!

Ooh, some shiny packages, all for meeeeeeeeeeeeee!

And some more. What a lucky boy! Mum has got some videos of me opening some presents, but she can't get onto Video Egg from dad's laptop so we'll have to show you those another day. Even though I had never opened any presents before I got the hang of it really quickly!

I got this cool squeaky Santa Paws ball from Aunty Kim & Uncle Charlie. They have 3 poodles. Mum & dad went to their house for Christmas lunch but I stayed at home as I was poorly from sock eating, plus their poodle puppy really doesn't like me for some reason. How could he not love me?

These cool bouncy balls were from Aunty Lucy & Uncle Simon. Mum & dad have hidden two of them for when I've destructed the first one. These balls are great for playing the bouncy game from my video the other day!

This toy was also from Aunty Kim & Uncle Charlie. Hopefully if I chew this mum won't try to brush my teeth as I hate it!

This is a cool frisbee toy from mum & dad. True to form, it now has no eyes, ears or horns! The squeaky in it does still work though!

Here's the reindeer which mum & dad bought to replace humpy horse. As you can see, his eyes were gone within seconds! I didn't even have chance to say goodbye to horsey. He mysteriously disappeared while I was making reindeer's acquaintance. Mum said he's gone to the glue factory. Poor horsey!

This squeaky bone was in the stocking from Aunty Clare. It's REALLY, REALLY squeaky, & therefore great for running around the house with when mum & dad are trying to watch their favourite TV programme

My card from Miss Sunshade arrived just in time for Christmas. Like Faya, even though I wasn't in the Christmas Card Exchange, they wanted to send me a card anyway. What sweet girls!

What an amazing card. It must have taken Sunshade & her mum ages to make all those cards. I had to have a nibble on the fur on the hat as I could smell her lovely Airedale scent. Mmmmmm.

She also sent me this great sign. That should warn people off my pawperty.

Trying to look cool & composed with my card & gift

Last but not least, I went to the vet today for my check up. He took my plaster off & said it was all healing well & that I don't have to go back again - yay! He said I should still wear the lampshade for another few days, but mum & dad have let me take it off for a few hours this evening to see how well I behave. So far so good, but they said I have to put it back on at bedtime - boo!
Oscar x


Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Hey lil big guy, that's a lotta loot! SQUEAKY DESTRUCTO!

Bussie Kissies

Boo Casanova said...

wow oscar, you have so many nice pressies there. may i ask what exactly is that tooth brush look alike? how are you gonna chew the brush head?

wet wet licks


Simba and Jazzi said...

What a lot of great presents. Glad it went well at the vets.

Simba xx

Dandy Duke said...

You got lots of nice pressies Oscar. I like the snowman squeaky the best and the louder the squeak the better I like it! Glad you're on the mend.


jaffeboy said...

How did you let the squeaky stay in the toy?! I like to get them out first, then the eye, then the ear, then the nose...

Faya said...

Tu vois ça vaut la peine d'être gentil de temps à autres. Papouilles et bisous

fee said...


i am so jealous! what a lot of toys! i have a toothbrush too. and a toothpaste. i think it works like a spoon; basically to administer the toothpaste which taste i must say is rather agreeable!


Fu Fu said...

Hi Oscar, woh that's alot of nice presents you got there.

~ fufu

Sunshade said...

Wow, I love how "cool" and "composed" you looked even tho I'm sure you were secretly wanting to slurp up that card...ehhehehehe

Glad you liked it!!

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade