The life and times of an English Airedale Terrier puppy

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Bye-Bye Boy Bits

Hey everyone,

Thank you for your thoughts & good wishes. I've now had my operation & I'm feeling OK. A little bit sore, but mum & dad say I'll soon be feeling fine.

Yesterday started off OK. We got up & went out for our usual walk & I met a few of my friends & we had our usual bottom sniffs. When we got home however, there was no breakfast as usual. I kept sitting by the food cupboard but mum said I couldn't have any food because of the operation. I was less than impressed with this & had a bit of a sulk on the sofa. Well, as I'm not actually allowed on the sofa, I just kind of threw myself on it & tried to look hungry & pathetic. It didn't work though, grr.

Mum & dad put me in my crate while they got ready as mum said she didn't want me getting into any mischief before we set off. Me? Mischief? How rude! Just because I ate another washing up sponge last night in the vague hope of getting out of my operation. It didn't work though. Mum called the vet last night & they said it should pass through me fine & they'd check me over when I came in. Damn it!

Soon it was time for the "Journey of Doom". Can you see the fear in my eyes? The only bonus was that dad said I didn't have to wear my car harness as the vet is literally at the end of the road.

When we arrived I got weighed. I'm now 18 kilos, still a bit on the skinny side, but the vet said she'd rather that than be too fat. The vet (Emma) & mum & dad talked lots about me eating the sponge (& other stuff I have eaten) & the vet said it's probably just attention seeking behaviour & that I'll grow out of it. Hmph! See mum & dad, pay me more attention!!! She had a poke at my tummy & said it seemed OK & she was still happy to do my operation, and would see if she could see any signs of the sponge at my bottom end while I was asleep, nice! Mum signed some forms & then I trotted off with Emma as I could see her Red Setter down the corridor & I really like playing with him. I think mum & dad were a bit upset that I wasn't more worried about leaving them, but I was just trying to be a big brave boy so they wouldn't be worried about me.
Emma put me in a cage & gave me a sweetie that made me feel really calm & sleepy. A little later on they came & got me & took me to another room. They poked me in the leg with something sharp, then everything went really woozy. I woke up later back in the cage feeling a bit groggy & sore. There was a big white thing covering where my bits were. The nurse was saying I was a good boy & that mum & dad would be here soon.
A bit later I heard mum & dad's voices but I couldn't see them so I was crying & whimpering. Shortly after, Emma came to get me & there were mum & dad in her office. I was so excited but Emma said "no jumping up!" so I just gave them lots of licks & wagged my tail like mad. Emma told them everything was fine but that I can only have 2 - 3 minute walks for 10 days & have to be on the lead, and that I was to have a bland diet that evening (more rice, goody!). She said I should be OK to go to puppy class next week (have to miss it tonight, boo hoo) as long as I stay on my lead & don't race about. That's going to be tough as I haven't seen my friends since the party before Christmas! Before we left Emma said we have to go back on Saturday for a check up & put this stoopid collar thing on me to stop me fiddling with my stiches. How silly do I look? Boo didn't have to wear one of those did he? Not fair!

I keep walking into the door frames, the table, mum & dad...well everything basically. Not impressed.

When we got home I had my rice & a big drink. Then mum showed me a lovely new red Kong she had bought me for being a brave boy. I can get stuff out of my puppy Kong in a few seconds now as my jaw is getting strong. It's a lot tougher with this new one & I was whinging a bit in frustration as I couldn't get the bits of biscuit out easily at all. Still, it did take my mind off my sore bits & the stoopid collar. Mummy is going to give my puppy Kong to someone at work who has just got an 8 week old Scots Terrier puppy. She's called Molly same as my girlfriend at puppy class. Mum said she saw some pictures & she's really cute so at least my Kong is going to a good home.
I had an early night & a good sleep. I think I'll just be taking it easy over the next few days. As long as I can eat lots that's fine by me!
Oscar x


Simba and Jazzi said...

I had one of them when I was umm done. I hated it, but I kept licking my stitches. They were annoying. Hope you feel better soon.

Simba xx

Dandy Duke said...

You sure are a handsome boy Oscar, even with the megaphone around your head. I hope you feel better real soon.


Sundae said...

When i put that lampshade on, i just refuse to walk or respond to the presence of food. Mom didnt feel guilty, yet laughed her hearts out.

Hope you're feeling better already.


Boo Casanova said...

hey oscar,

nononono, i recommend you put that collar on. you know what? my hooman pity me for unable to move around freely as i wish with the collar so they didn't put it up.

bad choice for them. you see, when they are around, i would control myself not to lick the wound. even if i did, they would quickly stop me from licking.

and by the 4th day, the stitches were all out by itself bcoz of my constant licking. they got mad but luckily the wound was closed. imagine if the wound was still fresh and open.

wet wet licks


Faya said...

Mom pauvre Oscar ! Dis-toi que c'est pour ton bien. En attendant je te fais plein de bises qui vont t'aider à guérir....

jaffeboy said...

Welcome to the "club". Lampshade on all the time till you recover. I had mine off & it was bad news.

Good luck & hope you are well soon.

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Why do you call them "bits"? I don't really remember, but I prefer to think I was hung like a horse before they took my "boulders".

Bussie Kissies

fee said...

you look absolutely fabulous even in that lamp shade! please get well soon and try not to lick those stitches!


Sunshade said...

Ohhhh Oscar..... you're a brave boy, and you really don't seem to have noticed that a couple of things were missing LOL. You were more interested in your KONG!!! That's the true Airedale spirit, never any self pitty!!

Hey, what's a Scots Terrier? And also, I saw it on somebody else's blog, they had posted a picture of a terrier that looks a lot like a Lakeland Terrier, but he said it's a "Fell Terrier". Do we just call them differently, or those two different breeds??

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade