The life and times of an English Airedale Terrier puppy

Thursday, December 07, 2006

An Exciting Day!!!

Hello you guys,

Yesterday was such an exciting day for me. I don't know if I mentioned that my dad has been away for 3 days with his work. Well, me & mum have missed him soooo much. I have been keeping a vigil by the front door in case he came in. Every time I heard a car, or one of the neighbours going in or out of their houses I would look at mum hopefully, but she kept saying "No Oscar, he's not back today".

Well, yesterday when we me & mum got home from puppy class, dad was home! I was sooo excited & just had to have a bit of a crazy run around & give him LOADS of kisses to let him know how pleased I was to have him back. For the rest of the evening I sat with him in case he disappeared again, & even when he came downstairs this morning I let him know how pleased I was that he was here. I think dad was a bit surprised by just how excited I was to see him as he has always thought that I was a real "Mummy's Boy" & not that into him. I love him LOADS, just most of the time I have to keep up the macho appearance so he doesn't think I'm to much of a big girl, what with my favourite toy being a pink squeaky bone an' all!

In other news, I passed my Bronze Award at puppy class last night, so I should get my certificate at our Christmas party next week. Mum says now the serious work starts for my Silver Award, but I've already looked & I can do quite a few of the exercises already, so don't sweat it mum.

The other big excitement of the day was that I got a Christmas card! Yes, even though we weren't part of the Christmas card exchange this year as mum hadn't told me about this blogging business in time & I didn't know many of you guys, Faya still emailed mum & asked for our address so she could send me a card. Mum kept it a secret, so when we checked the post, this was among all the other boring stuff:

Mum even let me open it myself. Normally she grabs any post I get my pearly whites into.

It was quite tough to open though, so I did relent & ask mum for some help.

Look how cute Faya looks in her Christmas hat. She's a really pretty Swiss Miss.

Mum made me pose with Faya's card, but as you can tell from my face, I REALLY wanted to give it a good nibble. I could smell Faya on the card & it was GOOD!

Merci Faya pour la carte de Noel si belle. Tu es tres jolie dans ta chapeau de noel rouge.
Oscar xxx
Well, that's all for now. Mum is off to work out how she can put video clips on my Blog. Any ideas anyone?
Oscar x


Faya said...

Salut Oscar,
Ta maman doit déposer ses vidéos sur dailymotion ou youtube et ensuite copier le lien qu'ils donnent exprès pour les blogs. Moi je suis sur dailymotion et c'est super facile. Bisous

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Hey Sunshade,

I have signed up to The Bone Zone, but mum says we have to wait for an approval e mail to come through before we can send a message to you. I will send you a PM as soon as I can pretty girl.


Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Merci Faya,

Je vais chercher Dailymotion maintenant.

Oscar x

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Congrats Oscar on your Bronze! You are such a clever Oscar!

love and licks Marvinxx

Dandy Duke said...

What a talented boy you are Oscar! At your young age you can speak French! I'm super impressed!

Lots of hugs to you,


Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Wow you can bark French stuff! It reads different, but does it sound the same?

Bussie Kissies

Boo Casanova said...

hey oscar, i think sunshade will be able to teach you how to put the video up. if not, drop me a line and i'll let you know.

in the mean time... OMDOG! i haven't been to puppy class and i'm almost turning into adult (i'm almost 10 months old). mom said she doesn't want me to attend class... what do you think?

wet wet licks


Sunshade said...

Oscar Oscar... did you get my PM?? I found you on the Bone Zone, and PM'd you!!

You are such a good little boy, and oh so cute....

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade