The life and times of an English Airedale Terrier puppy

Monday, December 04, 2006

A busy weekend

Hey you guys,

I had such a busy weekend that I didn't get time to post a message. On Saturday the infamous cowboy outfit arrived. Mum says she's taking some pictures tonight so you can all see. Great! I tried it on & was quite well behaved. I did manage to get the hat off with my paws eventually though.
Dad's little girls came to stay over the weekend. They used to be quite scared of me, even though they have a dog at home. I think it's because I'm a bit bouncy & baby-like (hey, I'm a puppy!), whereas their dog is old & very quiet. It's just that I really love children, expecially them & I get really excited when they come over & just want to play. I was a really good boy this weekend though & they were much better with me, playing fetch & even giving my ears a good old massage which always sends me into a complete dopey state. We had a big walk and a great long game of fetch at the park. In the evening I was so tired that I didn't even want to eat my dinner, which is definitely not like me. I think mum was a bit worried, but dad told her I was just pooped & to let me sleep. I made up for it on Sunday morning when I was bright eyed & bushy tailed & VERY hungry!

On Sunday we went to a place called Nightingdale Woods. It's really cool there as you can run around off your lead, and there are normally lots of hoomans & fellow doggies to meet & greet. Sure enough, within about 5 minutes we met a big chocolate Lab, but he was a bit too fat to do much except waddle past.

As there has been so much rain here, there were loads of enormous puddles. I don't mind ickle puddles, expecially the really muddy ones, but I am a bit scared of the big ones as I never trust how deep they are. However, mum had her wellie boots on so she went into to one huge puddle & started being silly & splashing about. Curiosity got the better of me, so I took a run up & waded in. And you know what? It was GREAT! I had such fun splashing & jumping around. I don't know what I was so worried about. A big Red Setter came along & told me there was a proper dog dip pond further round the pathway that he always goes in for a swim. When we got there I had a look, & it did look quite cool, but mum & dad said I have to wait until we go next time when they can bring a towel to dry me off & something to protect the car seats. Party poopers!

Further along the path we met a Springer Spaniel & his ma & pa. Now I know Springer Spaniels are normally game for a good old romp, as there's one at puppy class who's hyperactive to the extreme. This one was no exception, so we chased about through the trees while the hoomans chatted for ages, until we were both too tired to run any more.

On the way home we stopped off at the shops. Mum & dad left me alone in the car alone for the first time while they went into the shops. I was quite worried, and kept a look out at the window the whole time until they came back. I was so pleased to see them when they came back that I just had to give them both lots of kisses. I think they had also been to Pets at Home as I could smell something like my treats from one of the bags. Mum took the bag straight upstairs & hid it when we got home though. It looked like there was other stuff in there too. I don't know why I couldn't have it right away. Mum said something about only having to wait 20 something days, but I don't know what that's all about.

When we got home I also saw that they had been to buy the new digital camera. I don't think mum has got the hang of it yet as she's not taken too many pictures. Dad is away & he seems to be the technical brains of the family. I have seen her reading the book that came with it & playing about with it, so me thinks I'll be doing some posing this evening. Oh joy!
Oscar x


Myeo said...

ooh Oscar, They got u a gift!!! Wow, Do tell us in 20 days time.

Boy n Baby

Dandy Duke said...

Hey Oscar,
So your mom sneaks packages upstairs too, huh??!! Bummer! Mine does the same thing. Now the waiting starts.................

Love ya lots!

Boo Casanova said...


when i was much younger (now 9 months old), i was very energetic and playful all the time too. dad complained but mom never. guess that's bcoz mom was the one brought me home!

even now, i never sit quietly beside the hooman, they would love if i sleep on their lap but i never do that. :-)

wet wet licks


Unknown said...

can't wait to see your cowboy outfit! I hv one too, it won me few prizes in those costume contest as well.. haha

Sunshade said...

Ohhh no Oscar... I feel sorry for you. Get ready for a life with the paparazzi..... Bogie and me and a bunch of other dogs have already succumbed to our inevitable fates, and now you must too....

On the other hand, I can't wait to see you in your Woody suit!!! So that is good news for me, bad for you.

I don't know if you have seen my post about the THING mum snuck home a week before my B-Day, ti was a disaster LOL.

ps. how much do you weigh just curious?

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade