Monday, July 28, 2008
One year on
Oscar, our darling, sweet boy 28/05/2006 - 28/07/2007
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Happy 2nd Birthday Darling Oscar

Happy 2nd birthday to you our sweet boy. We so desperately wish you were here with us, it seems so unfair that you only got to celebrate one birthday with you. We miss you each and every day. Harry and Cassidy are wearing your bandanna's in your honour, I hope they are doing you proud.
We love you and always will,
Mummy & daddy xxx
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Remembering Oscar Always
All our love forever fuzzy boy,
mummy and daddy xxx
Monday, October 01, 2007
The Name's Harry, Happy Harry

As I said, my name is Harry. I'm 10 1/2. My birthday is 14th March, which Katy says is the same day as Oscar's girl Faya. I have lived with my old family since I was 12 weeks old, but they have been having a few difficulties and I was no longer able to live with them and they needed to find me a new home urgently. My old family loved me lots though and found an Airedale rescue service and asked them to find me a simply marvellous home befitting an older timer like me.
I am a very fortunate chap I know, as almost immediately the rescue coordinator rang to say he had talked all about me with a lovely couple and that they had decided they would like to meet me with a view to offering me a home. They came to see me and talk to my family, and of course one they met yours truly it was a done deal.
I came to live with my new master and mistress Katy and Martin on Saturday evening. I must say they seem jolly nice so far, and they have a rather pretty old pusscat girl called Flakes who I think I could be very good pals with. They have told me that it gets better, and that in 5 weeks time a young whippersnapper named Cassidy will come to live here too. That sounds topper. I lived with 2 dogs and I do love a young pup to play with and keep me young at heart.
As I said, I'm a bit long in the tooth at 10 1/2, but that doesn't hold an Airedale like me back. The old legs give me some jip but I still like a good stroll. My eyes are a bit cloudy but I still have darn good eyesight, and the hearing is a sharp as ever.
I grew up with children and love them immensely. I met master girls yesterday and reckon they're just super. They gave me plenty of cuddles and fuss, but know to leave me be for an afternoon nap. What more could I ask for?
I have been for a recce of the new patch and it seems jolly nice. Left some pee on every lamp post and tree to let the local boys know there's a new stud in town. Met a few dogs and had some good sniffs. I hear I am off out tonight to meet Poppy, a pal of master and mistresses darling Oscar.
Talking of Oscar, I believe he had a hand in making sure I found this fabulous new home, so thank you Oscar. Even though I didn't now you, I am learning lots about you and you sound like an amazing young chap. If I can make your mum and dad a tenth as happy as you did I'll feel blessed indeed.
Katy says I can share Cassidy's blog, as she wants Oscar's to be mainly about him and a tribute to his memory, so please come on over there to learn more about me and hear about the young 'un.
I'll leave you with a few piccies of the first day of my new life. I am charmed to meet you all and hope we'll become firm friends.
Here I am with Martin getting plenty of ear scratches. I may be an old gent, but I just love lots of attention and love. Nothing wrong with being an old softie I say!
Here I am trying to persuade Flakes that I'm a good egg. I think she is semi-convinced. I'm sure my charm will win her round soon.
I have been out every day to pay my respects to Oscar. I really do think he got me here and I will forever be in his debt.
Toodle pip for now,
Harry x
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
WESWATC Fun Day 2007
She almost fell asleep on my lap. She had the sweetest fuzzy little face. Hopefully now her medication is sorted out, she'll stay healthy and happy.
We took E and J with us, and they really enjoyed playing with all the Dales. Here's J getting Ruby to sit for a treat. I think they are now quite excited about our new puppy after being quite upset and confused about Oscar's death.
The mummy dog game is a popular one. Basically you have to wrap your dog in as much toilet roll as possible in 2 minutes. Little Willow was quite relaxed about it all.
And feisty young miss Mojo was having none of it. As soon as her dad got one piece wrapped around her, she whipped round and tore it off. They eventually managed to get some on her tail in a last ditch attempt!
We took Oscar's cowboy outfit along, as we had had it made for him by Butchy and Snickers' mum to wear today. We asked Mojo's mum and dad if she'd like to wear it in his honour. Even though it was very large for her, she still managed to carry it off with a certain je ne sais quoi and scooped 3rd prize.
Oscar's pal Rupert dressed as his namesake Rupert the Bear
Pirates of the Caribbean must be popular amongst Airedales as there we two Pirates present.
Jasper made a very handsome groom.
And Willow was a beautiful bride, though it looks as if marital bliss could be over already as Jasper is about to wrassle her to the floor!
There was much more fun to be had, with competitions for best groomed Airedale and best trick, an Airegility course to try, a sausage hunt, musical chairs and quizzes for the humans. E & J won the "guess whats in the poop bags" quiz. Luckily there was no poop, just doggy related stuff like leads and whistles!
We took Oscar last year. He had only been living with us for a week. He had a blast, though last year there were no other puppies to play with. This meant he got everyone cooing all over him with no competition! Although the youngest by a long way, he was already showing his potential, and won first prize in the "best trick" competition with a "roll over" and a "shake paw".

Tough as it was to go without Oscar and seeing all those Dales, I'm also happy that we got to see all his pals having fun. We also got to chat with Oscar's breeder about the puppies. All being well we can go and visit Cassidy and the others on the weekend of the 29th/30th of September when they'll be 3 weeks old.
Katy and Martin x
Thursday, September 13, 2007
A New Life
After all the tears, heartache and sadness of recent week, we wanted to share some happy news with you. Oscar's breeders girl Maggie (not Oscar's mum) had puppies in the early hours of Sunday 9th September and we have decided that we would like one of the puppies. We have always been in close contact with Oscar's breeders as you know, and they have been a great support over the last 7 weeks. Oscar had a big place in their heart, especially after being taken back to them by his original owners.
We have known since Oscar died that the puppies were due, but at first we were too distraught to even think about the possibility of a new dog entering our lives. We were so numb from the loss of Oscar that all we could think about was being without him. I felt overwhelmed with guilt at the thought of getting a new puppy or dog, thinking Oscar would feel he was easily replaceable, when this is so, so far from the truth. I also didn't want to get too excited about a puppy to find something had gone wrong with the pregnancy or birth and face yet more heartache. We have come to understand now through talking to each other and other people, that by getting a new dog we are in a way honouring Oscar and the love of Airedales that he gave us. I know deep down that he wouldn't want us to go through life unable to open our hearts to another dog, and to have one from his breeders who have litters very infrequently seems fitting.
As I said, the puppies arrived at the weekend, there are 4 girls and 3 boys. All are vigorous and healthy and Maggie is apparently taking it all in her stride. We do not know yet if we will get a girl or a boy, but as long as they are happy and healthy we do not mind at all. They will not have the same sire or dam as Oscar; the sire is English and American Champion Jumpin Jack Flash at Jokyl, the dam is Magwyr Starlight Over Sherifs. This should mean that the puppies have very distinct personalities, looks and traits to Oscar, but no doubt will share the same clownish love for life as he had.
As you all know, Oscar's KC name was Sherifs Sundance Kid, and we have decided to call the puppy (Butch) Cassidy as a way of remembering and honouring Oscar. Cassidy is a fairly unisex name I think, so should suit a boy or a girl pup. Funnily enough both Martin and I came up with the name independently (Martin at 4am after waking from a dream about Oscar!).
I hope you will all be pleased to hear our news. Thank you all once again for the fantastic love and support we have received from you all over the last 7 weeks, it has been a great help in us coming to terms with Oscar's death and helped us through some very tough days.
Here is dad, isn't he handsome? He's English and American champion Joval Jumpin Jack Flash at Jokyl. His pet name is Jack.

And here is the first photo of Maggie with the puppies, though it's very hard to see them as they are just a black mound at her stomach! Apparently they all took quickly to mum's milk bar. I'm sure many more photos will follow over the coming weeks.
Katy and Martin x
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Oscar Unseen
We are now coming up to 6 weeks since our darling Oscar died. Last Saturday (1st September) was a difficult day as it would have been Oscar's first anniversary of coming to live with us. By a strange coincidence, Martin was sorting through his phone and found some photos of Oscar taken during his first few days with us which we hadn't looked at since then I don't think.
Here is the fuzzy one making a visit to our friends Simon and Lucy's house. He was a very good boy in the house, no accidents. Outside however, he did do quite a bit of gardening, dead heading plants that were actually in their prime! Luckily his cute face got him off the hook pretty easily! Here he is having a good game of tug with Uncle Simon.

There were also quite a lot of photos of Oscar playing with Paddy the Poodle, but they're pretty much all just black and tan blurs as the two of them were chasing around like crazies!
I also found this video of Oscar playing with his Wubba that I don't think he'd ever got round to showing you. I think it shows Oscar at his best, a big silly clown who loved life and having fun so, so much. I hope watching it will make you smile and laugh.
Katy and Martin xxx